Since its origins in 1912, Arturo Fuente has evolved as a brand, impressing connoisseurs with the quality and consistency of its cigars. The brand's catalog covers a wide range of options that appeal to cigar neophytes and experts alike.
Origin and history
The brand, founded by Cuban immigrant Arturo Fuente, began its history in Florida. From humble beginnings with a small workshop, the brand quickly became a recognized name, employing hundreds and making its mark on the industry with its refining practices.
Arturo Fuente Classic
Arturo Fuente Classic cigars are distinguished by the use of high-quality tobacco and a manufacturing method that honors Cuban tradition. Covered with meticulously selected wrapper leaves, these cigars have a complex profile that respects the rich tobacco saga of the Fuente family.
Cigar features
Made with Dominican tobacco, these cigars come in a variety of vitolas, each offering a particular tasting experience. Their construction is rigorously monitored to ensure uniform combustion and excellent traction.
Taste profile
Arturo Fuente Classic offers tasting notes with a richness of aromas, the fruit of the brand's expertise in aging and tobacco selection. Fans can expect hints of cedar, leather and dried fruit, typical of these cigars.
Innovation and Tradition
Even while remaining faithful to ancestral techniques, Arturo Fuente has never stopped innovating. This can be seen in their exploration of different tobacco combinations and the launch of exclusive series that have made their mark on the cigar world.
Impact on Cigar Culture
With their century-long presence, Arturo Fuente cigars have helped define industry standards and shape the cultural perception of luxury cigars. Their history bears witness to a quest for excellence that continues to inspire.
Arturo Fuente Classic remains a solid choice for those seeking a cigar of superior quality. These cigars are more than a product; they convey a history, a tradition and a passion that are revealed with every puff.