Arturo Fuente - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Worldwide premium cigar merchant since 1978
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Arturo Fuente

Since its foundation in 1912 by a young Cuban immigrant in Florida, Arturo Fuente has been synonymous with excellence in the world of cigars. After a fire in 1924 and a 22-year hiatus, the brand resumed production in the Dominican Republic thanks to the initiative of Carlos Fuente. Today, Arturo Fuente produces over 30 million cigars a year and is famous for its Opus X range, reputed to be among the finest in the world. Thanks to ancestral know-how combined with modern technology, these cigars offer a blend of hand-rolled aged tobaccos, guaranteeing a rich and diverse tasting experience, from sweet, fruity notes to spicy, woody flavors. The brand embodies the cigar industry's spirit of resilience and innovation, offering creations that reflect its remarkable history.

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Arturo Fuente


Introduction to the Arturo Fuente brand

The history of Arturo Fuente cigars dates back to 1912, with the founding of the brand in Florida by Arturo Fuente, a young Cuban immigrant. The brand grew rapidly, employing 500 people before being struck by a devastating fire in 1924. After a long hiatus, the relocation of production to the Dominican Republic by Carlos Fuente enabled Arturo Fuente to be reborn and prosper, today offering a wide range of world-renowned cigars.

Arturo Fuente cigars

The range of cigars produced by Arturo Fuente is extensive, extending from classic blends to more modern creations. Drawing on their heritage, these cigars are appreciated for their meticulous construction and consistent tobacco quality. The fertile soils and mild climate of the Dominican Republic are essential to growing the tobacco used in their specialties.

The Opus X range

Arturo Fuente Opus X represents a series of premium cigars distinguished by their unique blend. Designed with a rigorous selection of Dominican tobacco, these cigars have a complex, rich flavor profile, often combined with a well-defined strength and character. Tasting notes range from sweet and fruity to spicy and woody, depending on the age and specificity of each series.

Manufacturing techniques and quality

Arturo Fuente uses manufacturing methods that combine tradition and modern technology. Prolonged tobacco aging and hand-rolling by skilled craftsmen are the cornerstones of their quest for quality. This meticulous care is reflected in the consistency and performance of each cigar. Arturo Fuente has maintained its position as a benchmark in the industry thanks to these conscientious practices.

The cultural impact of Arturo Fuente cigars

The Arturo Fuente brand has influenced cigar culture by establishing itself as an innovative and reliable driving force. Its history, marked by resilience and renewal, embodies the spirit of the cigar industry. Each category of their cigars takes the aficionado on a journey of flavors that tells part of the brand's story, from classic to contemporary.


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