Wide selection of ADVentura Barbarroja's Invasion cigars
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ADVentura Barbarroja's Invasion

ADVentura Barbarroja's Invasion cigar range marks a turning point in cigar tradition with its blend of heritage and innovation. The fruit of two years' research, these full-bodied cigars continue the prestige of the King's Gold and Queen's Pearls ranges. Each piece is dressed in a dark San Andres Mexican wrapper, renowned for its quality and unique contribution to the flavor profile. Designers ADV & McKay also incorporated a music box into the Barbarroja's Invasion packaging, enriching the experience and affirming the brand's bold identity. A commitment to a rich user experience and preserved traditions intertwine to offer cigar aficionados a renewed and exhilarating taste journey.

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ADVentura Barbarroja's Invasion


Introduction to ADVentura Barbarroja's Invasion range

In the world of cigars, ADVentura Barbarroja's Invasion range represents an attractive addition to the growing repertoire of the ADVentura brand. This series is the fruit of a design mine that prioritizes quality and innovation.

Origin and design

Emanating from the collaboration between ADV & McKay, Barbarroja's Invasion cigars draw their uniqueness from a blend of tradition and modernity. The tobacco used comes from renowned regions, ensuring the promise of a meticulously-crafted product. Barbarroja's Invasion cigars preserve the brand's heritage, while breathing new life into earlier collections such as King's Gold and Queen's Pearls.

San Andres Mexican cape

Covering every cigar in this range, the San Andres wrapper is renowned for its distinctive color and superior quality. Harvested in Mexico, it distinguishes these cigars visually and contributes substantially to the flavor profile sought by cigar aficionados.

Innovations and brand identity

ADVentura sets itself apart by adding distinctive elements such as the music box that accompanies Barbarroja's Invasion. This creative touch enhances the user experience and underlines the bold identity of this range.

Construction and quality

Each piece in the Barbarroja's Invasion collection is meticulously assembled, ensuring even burning and solid structure. This attention to detail is reflected in the consistent tasting experience of each cigar.

Flavor profile

The tasting notes reveal a rich, complex blend. You'll detect the spicy, woody nuances typical of premium tobaccos, enhanced by the use of a specific wrapper tobacco. The full-bodied character lends itself to contemplative tasting, ideal for connoisseurs in search of assertive sensations.

Traditions and cultural impacts

The Barbarroja's Invasion range is part of an ongoing evolution in the cigar industry. By preserving age-old manufacturing traditions while adopting innovative components and approaches, ADVentura contributes to the cultural diversification of this field.


Barbarroja's Invasion effectively captures the spirit of renewal dear to ADVentura, while maintaining the brand's high quality standards. This blend of tradition and innovation attracts cigar lovers to new taste horizons.


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