Vegas Robaina: a Cuban heritage
The Vegas Robaina brand is intrinsically linked to the Cuban tobacco tradition. Founded in 1997, it pays tribute to Alejandro Robaina, renowned for producing the finest leaves for cigar wrappers. The Robaina family plantations were established in 1845, and gained significant notoriety in 1951 under Alejandro's leadership.
The company's transformation from a family-run business to a collaboration with the Cuban state illustrates the evolution of the cigar industry in Cuba. Vegas Robaina stands out thanks to its agricultural heritage and is recognized for its exceptional tobacco quality, used even by other prestigious brands.
Distinctive expertise
When Alejandro Robaina took over the reins of the family plantation, 80 % of the tobacco leaves produced were deemed suitable for making high-quality capes. This proportion was significantly higher than the average for other plantations, where only 30 % achieved this level of quality.
This agricultural advantage in Cuba makes Robaina's plantations an essential source for renowned brands such as Cohiba and Hoyo de Monterrey, guaranteeing consistency and production excellence for Vegas Robaina cigars.
Aromatic profile
Vegas Robaina cigars offer a particularly rich array of aromas. Their profiles are characterized by floral accents and light hazelnut notes, offering a smooth, harmonious taste experience accessible to novices and experienced cigar aficionados alike.
This diversity of flavors attracts cigar enthusiasts who appreciate subtle nuances while seeking a strong, recognizable olfactory signature.
A benchmark positioning
Habanos S.A., the Cuban state-owned company that manages the brand, recognizes Vegas Robaina as a leading player by awarding it an 'Alto' level in its brand pyramid. This recognition reflects the brand's ongoing commercial success and reputation on the world market.
Despite the transition from family to state management, the brand remains a symbol of success for the Vegueros, the Cuban tobacco growers behind the excellence of cigars from this Caribbean island.
Tradition and innovation in cigars
Vegas Robaina maintains its prestige by combining tradition and innovation. Each of the brand's cigar boxes honors the memory of Alejandro Robaina with a family photo, reminding us of the attachment to roots and the importance of individual history in the world of cigars.
The impact of Vegas Robaina and its evolution reflect Cuba's socio-economic changes and influence cigar culture internationally, contributing to the perpetuation and innovation of the art of cigar making.