Montecristo Linea Clásica 2 - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Montecristo Linea Clásica

Montecristo Linea Clásica, the heart of Cuban heritage since the 1930s, represents excellence in the world of luxury cigars. Made from elite Vuelta Abajo tobacco, the cigars are hand-shaped by skilled torcedores, promising unrivalled structure and tasting sensations. The series offers a rich, balanced flavor profile, with nuances of cocoa, coffee and leather, suitable for novices and connoisseurs alike. Montecristo Linea Clásica sublimates Cuban tradition, brilliantly combining ancient methods and contemporary innovations to guarantee legendary quality and consistent taste, continuing to shape the brand's history and influence in the broad and diverse cigar culture.

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Montecristo Linea Clásica


Introduction to Montecristo Linea Clásica

Renowned for its quality and rich heritage, the Montecristo Linea Clásica range is a must-have in the world of cigars. In its early days, this collection was directly inspired by Montecristo No. 1, a benchmark of choice for cigar aficionados and connoisseurs alike.

Origin and production

Founded in Cuba in the 1930s, the Montecristo brand quickly established itself as a leader in the field of premium cigars. The Linea Clásica series uses mainly tobacco grown in the Vuelta Abajo region, renowned for the quality of its leaves and its exceptional terroir. This tobacco is selected with the utmost care to guarantee a consistent, memorable experience.

Construction and features

Linea Clásica cigars are hand-rolled by experienced torcedores who have mastered the art of traditional cigar-making to perfection. Each cigar is characterized by its impeccable architecture, where the wrapper, binder and filler harmonize to provide optimum draw and even burning.

Profile and tasting notes

The typical profile of Montecristo Linea Clásica cigars is marked by complexity and medium intensity, appealing to beginners and regulars alike. Tasting notes generally include hints of cocoa, coffee, leather and sometimes a hint of sweet spices, signalling a rich, balanced aromatic palette.

History and influence

The trajectory of Montecristo and its Linea Clásica speaks volumes about its influence on cigar culture. Through the ages, the brand has managed to evolve its ranges while preserving authenticity and Cuban savoir-faire. It continues to make its mark on palates and inspire cigar designers the world over.

Tradition and innovation

Even while remaining true to its origins, Montecristo Linea Clásica demonstrates a capacity for innovation, integrating modern production methods while preserving ancestral techniques. This balance between tradition and modernity is a guarantee of quality and durability for cigar aficionados.


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