Cigare Cohiba : The best Cuban cigars, fast and safe delivery
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Worldwide premium cigar merchant since 1978
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Discover the quintessence of Cuban cigars with Cohiba, a brand synonymous with luxury, elegance and craftsmanship. Founded in the 1960s, the brand has captivated cigar lovers the world over with its fascinating history, rich aromas and incomparable quality. Each cigar is the fruit of a unique artisanal tradition, crafted with the finest Cuban tobacco leaves for an exceptional tasting experience.

From the classic Cohiba Robusto to the prestigious LĂ­nea 1492 with its famous Siglo I to Siglo VI, each module offers a palette of complex, balanced flavors. Whether you're a fan of mild or powerful cigars, each print reveals notes of leather, coffee, chocolate and spices, testifying to the care taken in their manufacture.

Explore the refined world of Cohiba and let yourself be seduced by the richness and sophistication of its legendary cigars.

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Cohiba cigars: Cuban heritage

Cohiba, arguably the most important name in the cigar industry, embodies a Cuban heritage that symbolizes both history and quality. Founded in 1966, the Cohiba brand was initially developed exclusively for Fidel Castro and senior government officials. The brand's name comes from the TaĂŻno language, spoken by Cuba's indigenous inhabitants.

Cohiba's origins and craftsmanship

Born in the El Laguito factory in Havana, original Cohiba cigars used carefully selected and aged tobacco leaves. This commitment to craftsmanship continues today, with master rollers, known as torcedores, producing cigars by hand. The blend used in Cohiba cigars offers a distinctive flavor, rich aroma and perfect burn, guaranteeing an impeccable smoking experience.

Cohiba product ranges

The Cohiba product line is diversified, with several series and formats to suit different preferences. From the robust Cohiba Robustos to the intense and flavorful Cohiba Esplendidos, the brand has consolidated its place in the global market. Cohiba has also ventured into limited editions and special lines, sometimes introducing new blends that have broadened their appeal among cigar lovers.

The LĂ­nea 1492 Signature Series

Referring to the historic year 1492, the LĂ­nea 1492 series pays tribute to the arrival of Christopher Columbus. Launched in 1992, it includes a range from the light and accessible Siglo I to the more complex and robust Siglo VI, each offering a unique taste profile, with variations in notes of leather, wood, vanilla, cedar and dark chocolate, depending on size and blend.

Best-selling Cohiba cigars

Some Cohiba cigars have consistently received very good evaluations from reputable sources. Cohiba Maduro Magicos, Cohiba Siglo III and Cohiba Robusto stand out for their quality of construction, flavor and aroma. With each offering a unique profile, these cigars cover a wide range of preferences, from the dark chocolate nuances of the Maduro wrappers to the subtle nutty notes of the Siglo III.

Exploring Cohiba beyond the Cigars

Although primarily known for its cigars, Cohiba has expanded its offering to include other luxury products, such as cigarillos and Cohiba Extra Cognac. This expansion reflects the brand's commitment to offering a complete luxury smoking experience to its customers.

Experience Cohiba through retailers

Retailers like Cigar Passion offer access to some of Cohiba's finest creations. Whether you want to soak up the rich history or savor the craftsmanship of Cohiba cigars, enthusiasts can find a fine selection, ideal for personal enjoyment or as prestigious gifts.


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