The identity of Bolivar cigars
Bolivar cigars owe their name to Simon Bolivar, liberator of South America. Founded in the early 1900s by José Fernandez Rocha, the Bolivar brand was registered in 1921, remaining relatively unknown in the export market until its acquisition by the Cifuentes family following Rocha's death in 1954.
Transferring production to the Partagas factory, the Bolivar brand gained notoriety, particularly in export markets, and was one of the preferred brands in England before the Cuban revolution. After 1959, production continued uninterrupted, with adjustments in the composition of certain formats over time.
Characteristics of Bolivar cigars
Bolivar cigars are made from tobacco grown in Cuba's Vuelta Abajo region, renowned for the quality of its leaves. These cigars are distinguished by a strong presence in the mouth, with a rich aromatic profile appreciated by experienced cigar aficionados.
Adjustments in blends since the 1990s have resulted in a slight shift towards sweeter flavors for some formats, while maintaining the brand's characteristic robustness.
Flavor profile and tasting experience
Bolivar cigars offer an intense tasting experience with notes of leather, earth and spice. These flavors are complemented by nuances of chocolate and coffee, creating a complex and satisfying profile.
Each vitola features a meticulous construction, favoring uniform combustion and excellent flavor delivery. The range offers a variety of formats, catering for different preferences in terms of tasting duration and intensity.
Manufacturing processes and quality
The Partagas factory, where Bolivar cigars are produced, follows traditional manufacturing methods, hand-selecting the best leaves for the wrapper, binder and filler. This selection is crucial to guarantee consistent quality and a taste that meets consumer expectations.
The brand has preserved its heritage while integrating new processes to improve the consistency and quality of its products, ensuring that it maintains its reputation within the cigar industry.
Cultural heritage and influence
Bolivar is not just a cigar brand; it's a cultural heritage that spans the century. The enthusiasm of cigar aficionados for these modules sustains this tradition and enables Bolivar cigars to remain a benchmark in the world of Cuban cigars.
The brand's impact on cigar culture is undeniable, as evidenced by the many stories and anecdotes linked to its evolution. From a simple local production to an internationally renowned brand, Bolivar has conquered palates and established itself as a symbol of excellence throughout the world.