Wide selection of Vegas de Santiago cigars
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Vegas de Santiago

Vegas de Santiago cigars stem from a family heritage of over 80 years in tobacco growing in Puriscal, Costa Rica. At an altitude of 1100 metres, the region's climate is ideal for growing and curing tobacco naturally. Making each cigar, without pesticides, is a process that takes more than three and a half years, initiated by Sr. Don Luis Santana Lamas, a Cuban cigar master. This expertise is reflected in the "Don Luis" range, an ode to quality and tradition. Combining the finest tobaccos from Central America, the Caribbean and Ecuador, these handmade cigars offer a distinctly Costa Rican standard of quality and flavor, aimed at satisfying connoisseurs worldwide. Symbolizing the symbiosis between the Earth and human craftsmanship, a Vegas de Santiago cigar is not only a product but also a cultural work of art.

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Vegas de Santiago


Introduction to Vegas de Santiago cigars

Vegas de Santiago cigars are grown and hand-rolled in the Puriscal region of Costa Rica, an area renowned for its tobacco-growing climate. With an altitude of 1100 meters, this area enjoys a perfect combination of rainfall and humidity, conducive to the natural curing of tobacco.

History and heritage

The know-how behind Vegas de Santiago cigars is the fruit of over 80 years' experience in tobacco growing by dedicated families. The expertise culminates in the arrival of Sr. Don Luis Santana Lamas, a renowned Cuban master, who introduced tobacco growing, curing and aging techniques to the manufacturing process.

Growing practices

At the heart of Vegas de Santiago's philosophy is a commitment not to use pesticides, which preserves the integrity and purity of their cigars. This choice reflects a respect for the land and a desire to produce tobacco of the highest naturalness.

Making a cigar

The production of a Vegas de Santiago cigar is a meticulous process that takes over three and a half years. Each cigar is the result of a rigorous selection of tobaccos from Central America, the Caribbean and Ecuador, combined with artisanal know-how.

The "Don Luis" range

In honor of Don Luis Santana Lamas, a special series of cigars has been created, representing excellence and tradition. These cigars are crafted with meticulous attention to detail, promising a unique tasting experience.

Tasting notes and flavours

Vegas de Santiago cigars are characterized by refined tasting notes and complex aromas. Smokers can anticipate a palette of flavors that encompasses sweetness, discreet spices and a savory balance reflecting the diversity of tobaccos used.

Costa Rican quality standards

Rather than conforming to Cuban standards, Vegas de Santiago seeks to establish new standards of quality and flavor for Costa Rican cigars, aimed at satisfying connoisseurs around the world.

Cultural impact

Each Vegas de Santiago cigar is more than just a product; it represents a synergy between nature and human craftsmanship. Their contribution to the world of cigars continues to enrich culture and innovate tradition.

Contribution to the cigar industry

These cigars make a significant contribution to the global cigar landscape, bringing Costa Rica's unique heritage to international cigar enthusiasts. Their influence extends far beyond the borders of their country of origin, and continues to evolve over time.


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