Limited Edition Specialties - La Couronne S.A.
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Limited Edition Specialties

Brun del Ré is renowned for its quality cigars, and its limited editions appeal to tobacco connoisseurs. The 1638 cigar honors the heritage of Central American tobacco, while the 1787 Libertad celebrates the taste of independence with a blend of premium tobaccos. Each piece is a testament to excellence and authenticity, with hand-rolling ensuring impeccable quality. In addition to rich flavors, Brun del Ré seeks harmony with the environment, especially with 1787 Rainforest, which combines ecological respect with smoking pleasure. The brand combines age-old traditions with innovative methods to enrich the rich culture of cigars, making a lasting impact on the world of cigar aficionados.

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Limited Edition Specialties


An overview of Limited Edition Specialties

Limited edition cigars represent a distinguished niche in the global tobacco market. These products are often the result of meticulous tobacco selection and exceptional craftsmanship. Brun del Ré, a well-established brand in the cigar industry, offers connoisseurs a series of special cigars distinguished by their originality and rarity.

1638 - A tribute to tradition

The Brun del Ré 1638 cigar takes its name from an important date in Central American tobacco history. Made with meticulously selected leaves, it offers a complex flavor and medium body. Sourced from Costa Rica, the tobacco selection reflects a quest for balance between Central America's fertile terroirs.

1787 Libertad - Symbol of refinement

This cigar celebrates the taste of freedom and independence. Produced in limited quantities, 1787 Libertad features a blend of premium tobaccos with a rich, nuanced flavor profile. Its geographical origin, blending tobaccos from different regions, makes it a specialty with a distinct character.

1787 Rainforest - A commitment to eco-responsibility

With the 1787 Rainforest, Brun del Ré promotes a harmonious relationship with the environment. This cigar is a concrete example of the synergy between ecology and pleasure. Cigar aficionados can savour earthy, spicy notes from tobaccos grown with respect for the ecosystem.

Manufacturing specifications

Brun del Ré's limited editions are designed with a particular focus on quality and authenticity. This means meticulous attention to detail, from the growing of the tobacco to the final rolling. Each cigar is hand-rolled, guaranteeing impeccable construction and an ideal draw.

Typical tasting notes

Limited editions offer flavor profiles that appeal to a diverse audience. Notes can range from woody to fruity, with hints of caramel, coffee or spice. These taste characteristics are the result of a combination of different tobaccos and specific aging techniques.

Tradition and innovation

Brun del Ré cigars illustrate the brand's ability to honor traditional methods while incorporating innovative techniques. The limited editions sector is a place of experimentation where craftsmanship meets creativity, contributing to the constant evolution of cigar culture.

The impact on cigar culture

Brun del Ré cigars have helped define the preferences and expectations of cigar aficionados. Limited editions not only influence production standards but also enrich the overall experience of cigar aficionados, leaving a lasting imprint on this rich and diverse culture.


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