Langatun - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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The product of a long brewing tradition, Langatun whisky represents Swiss distilling expertise. This range of whiskies, renowned for their round, smooth profiles, is aged in a variety of casks, enriching their flavors. Langatun's history dates back to the year 861, its name underlining the link with water, an essential element in whisky making. Master brewer Jakob Baumberger laid the foundations of the distillery in 1857, perpetuating the artisanal methods of his ancestors. Today, Langatun is one of the finest Swiss whiskies available on, embodying a heritage adopted and developed through generations of the Baumberger family.

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Introduction to Langatun Whisky in the Cigar Universe

Langatun, a major Swiss player in the world of whisky, shares a common history with brewing. The distillery, born of Langenthal's Celtic traditions, has reinvented itself to offer a range of whiskies characterized by their smoothness and roundness. The transition from brewery to distillery is emblematic of the rich wine and spirits tradition that is also reflected in the cigar culture.

Langatun Distillery and its Cigar Connection

Langatun whisky production is the fruit of Jakob Baumberger's family heritage dating back to 1857. The story is similar to that of many cigar makers, whose expertise is passed down from one generation to the next. Water, the key element in whisky, is echoed in the moist, firm tobacco and craftsmanship of cigar production.

Swiss Traditions and Cigars

Switzerland's terroir, like that of some of the countries famous for their cigars, plays a crucial role in the flavor and quality of its products. Switzerland, though less famous for its cigars than for whiskies like Langatun, has terroirs that cultivate unique flavors influenced by the local climate and soil.

Manufacturing and ripening processes

Just as cigars are methodically rolled and aged, Langatun whisky is aged in a variety of casks offering complex flavors. These techniques parallel those used in some cigar production methods, where the emphasis is on aging to enhance flavor.

Gustatory profile and tasting

Cigars, like Langatun whisky, have specific tasting notes. Langatun's mellow flavors can recall the smooth, round taste sensations found in some high-end cigars.

Cultural Impact and Evolution

Just as the Langatun distillery has evolved with the times, the cigar world has seen the emergence of new regions and innovative manufacturing techniques. These developments have shaped the cigar market and culture, while preserving age-old traditions.


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