Ron Centenario - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Ron Centenario

Ron Centenario, a Costa Rican gem from the distillery, stands out for its aromatic complexity and smoothness on the palate, ideal for accompanying quality cigars. With notes of vanilla, caramel and dried fruit, this rum blends harmoniously with balanced cigars such as the Robustos, with their leather and spice aromas, the Churchills, offering an evolving taste experience, and the Torpedos, with their cocoa and citrus flavors. Connoisseurs enjoy tasting Ron Centenario at room temperature, alternating sips with puffs of cigar for a rich and complete sensory experience. The combination of these two artisanal products creates a symphony of flavors for the ultimate in connoisseur satisfaction.

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Ron Centenario


Ron Centenario Rum and Cigars: A Symphony of Flavors

Ron Centenario Rum, from Costa Rica, is a refined expression of ancient traditions and modern know-how. Combined with the world of cigars, this rum offers a complete experience for tasting enthusiasts seeking harmony between two artisanal worlds.

Ron Centenario profile

In the rum category, Ron Centenario is renowned for its complex aromatic profile and smoothness. The aging process in oak barrels gives the rum subtle notes of vanilla, caramel and dried fruit. These characteristics make it an ideal companion for quality cigars.

The association with cigars

Choosing the right cigar to accompany Ron Centenario requires an understanding of the specific characteristics of each cigar category. Cigars with balanced aromas that do not dominate the rum, but complement it, are preferred.

Robustos cigars

This category is appreciated for its balance between length and intensity of tasting. Originating in regions such as Cuba's Vuelta Abajo valley, robustos often feature notes of leather, coffee and spices. These notes create a synergy with the melodious character of Ron Centenario.

Churchill cigars

With their longer format and larger diameter, Churchills offer an extended tasting experience. Named after the famous British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, they are renowned for their complex flavors that evolve with tasting. Churchill cigars pair well with Ron Centenario, allowing both to develop their full aromas.

Torpedo cigars

The Torpedo is distinguished by its tapered shape at both ends. Originating in regions as diverse as the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua, these cigars come in a wide variety of profiles. The best matches are found in Torpedos with cocoa and citrus aromas, echoing the aromatic palette of rum.

Tasting tips

For the best experience, we recommend tasting Ron Centenario at room temperature and pairing your cigar with the rum's dominant notes. Connoisseurs recommend evolving the flavors by alternating sips of rum and puffs of cigar, enabling a fusion of aromas and a rich sensory experience.


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