Rum and cigars: a traditional alliance
The relationship between rum and cigars goes back centuries, when both products flourished in the regions of the Americas. Sharing a rich history in the Caribbean and Latin America, rum and cigars often symbolize relaxation and luxury.
History of rum
Rum has its origins in the Americas, with first mentions dating back to the 17th century. Its production began as a by-product of the sugar industry, using sugar cane and molasses to create a distinctive spirit that quickly gained popularity.
Types of rum
Rum can be categorized as white, aged (or vieux) and spiced. White rum offers a light palette, while aged rum gains in complexity after a stay in oak barrels. Spiced rum, on the other hand, is characterized by the addition of aromas and spices, offering a whole new dimension in taste and color.
Rum and cigars
Cigars, like rum, are produced mainly in warm, humid countries ideal for tobacco growing. Famous cigar brands such as Cohiba, Montecristoand Partagas share common traits with rum greats such as Bacardi, Havana Club and Ron Zacapa. The marriage of rum and cigar is a tradition that exalts the characteristics of each product.
Rum and cigar pairing
Tasting rum and cigars together focuses on the harmony of flavors. Connoisseurs look for combinations that enhance the flavor profile of each element, often combining a slightly sweet rum with a cigar possessing earthy, coffee or cocoa aromas.
Brands and terroirs
The geographical origins of rum and cigars play a crucial role in their flavor profiles. Rum from Jamaica, for example, is notorious for its richness and complexity, while Cuban cigars are renowned for their pronounced aromas and excellent ageing qualities. Each region offers its own particularities, influencing the perception and tasting experience.
Evolution and culture
Rum and cigar production has evolved over the centuries, incorporating technological advances while preserving traditional methods. This duality between innovation and tradition is reflected in the current diversity of products available on the market, contributing to a rich and dynamic culture around rum and cigars.