A 1710 and the world of cigars
The A 1710 rum distillery, founded on the takeover of Habitation du Simon, represents a terroir with deeply-rooted traditions. Its name, inspired by a West Indian heritage, refers to a careful creative process, which could be seen as parallel to that of excellent cigar making. The rigorous way in which rum is aged on this estate evokes aspects of patience and know-how that are also found in cigar-making.
Manufacturing traditions
When it comes to cigars, tradition plays an essential role, comparable to the A 1710 rum factory. For one category of cigar, the geographical origin such as the Dominican Republic or Cuba is an indicator of the tradition and conditions of tobacco cultivation. The types of tobacco used, from seed to wrapper leaf, play a part in the unique flavor of each cigar. Craftsmanship is an art, requiring years of apprenticeship to master the art of cigar rolling.
Innovations in distillation and their implications for cigarette-making
A 1710 has opted for an approach to distillation that is both innovative and respectful of traditional methods, employing a copper Charentais still and seven-plate columns. Likewise, cigar makers innovate through the use of new tobacco varieties and aging techniques, such as the use of controlled aging chambers, to refine aromatic profiles.
Cigar categories and flavor profile
Each cigar category offers a distinct flavor profile. For example, Robusto cigars are known for their dense construction and slow burn, offering spicy, woody notes. Churchill cigars, on the other hand, are long and majestic, delivering a more complex experience and a rich history dating back to Sir Winston Churchill himself. Terroirs, such as Cuba's Vuelta Abajo valley, produce unique tobacco leaves, enriching flavors with notes of earth, leather and coffee.
The impact on cigar culture
Just as A 1710 has been making history with its first license in Martinique for decades, every evolution in the world of cigars leaves a cultural imprint. Innovations and rigorous production have expanded the market and diversified offerings, catering to the increasingly discerning palates of aficionados around the world. The cigar category chosen often reflects a personal preference, a moment of relaxation, or even a ritual.