A wide choice of Gin - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Gin, heir to a long Dutch tradition, is appreciated for its pairing with cigars. Prized for its juniper notes, it is made from the fermentation of cereals and often consumed in cocktails for its dry flavor. Its manufacture began in the Netherlands in the 17th century and has since spread internationally. Gin played a major historical role, particularly in the British navy, where it was fortified so as not to compromise gunpowder. Today, distilleries like Plymouth continue this tradition with their Marine Gin. From classic juniper notes to contemporary blends of herbs and citrus, gin offers a variety of flavors that complement the aromatic profiles of cigars, creating personalized pairings for a sophisticated and memorable taste experience.

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Introduction to Gin and the world of cigars

The association of gin and cigars goes back to long-established traditions, where the aromatic complexity of these spirits complements that of tobacco leaves. This presentation explores the world of gin in the context of cigars, highlighting the characteristics that enrich this association.

Gin history and production

Gin's origins lie in the ancient Netherlands, and its evolution has seen it become a spirit prized the world over. Its production begins with the fermentation of cereals such as barley and corn, followed by distillation and aromatization dominated by juniper berries.

Gin has carved out a place for itself in spirits culture, distinguishing itself in particular through its contribution to a variety of cocktails. Its maritime history with the Royal Navy underlines its historical importance and robustness.

Gin in cigar tasting

Gin is often chosen to accompany cigars because of its ability to harmonize with the various aromatic profiles. The variety of gins available allows for a multitude of combinations, inviting the discovery of new flavors with each tasting.

Traditionally, cigars with earthy or spicy notes are enhanced by classic gins, while more aromatic or fruity gins can sublimate mild or more delicate-flavored cigars.

Gin brands and their specific characteristics

Various distilleries offer gins with their own unique signatures. These differences are marked by botanical selection, distillation methods and geographical origin, creating a wide range of gins from very dry to strongly flavored.

Some cult brands, such as Plymouth gin, infuse their products with a deep sense of history and a respect for quality and traditional techniques, being equally emblematic for their association with the navy.

The role of geographical origin

The origin of gins strongly influences their profiles and final characteristics. Regions such as England, Belgium and the Netherlands are renowned for their traditional production, while other countries have developed their own interpretations of this spirit.

Global recognition of geographical indications protects the authenticity and quality of gins, guaranteeing consumers access to products that faithfully represent their region of origin.

The diversity of tasting notes

The flavor profile of gin can differ greatly from brand to brand, from classic juniper notes to modern interpretations with herbs, citrus or exotic spices. This diversity offers a wide range of choices for pairing with cigars of different aromatic profiles.

Precision in gin-making is reflected in the care taken in cigar selection, where each combination can be customized to create a harmonious and memorable tasting experience.


Gin, with its rich history and variety of flavors, is an ideal companion for cigar tasting. The interaction between gin and cigars is a true art, where tradition and innovation come together to offer a unique sensory experience.

Choosing the right gin to accompany a specific cigar opens the door to a sophisticated, personalized tasting experience, highlighting the nuances of each product and enriching the overall experience.


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