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Introduction to tasting spirits with a cigar

Tasting a cigar offers an enriched sensory experience when accompanied by carefully selected alcoholic beverages. The complementary effects of spirits can underline or contrast the aromas and flavours of tobacco, creating memorable taste associations.

Selecting the ideal spirit to accompany a cigar depends on many factors, from the strength of the cigar to the complexity of the spirit. It's essential to strike a harmonious balance so that neither cigar nor beverage dominates the other.

Beer and cigars

Contrary to popular belief, beer can be an excellent complement to cigars. A beer with character, such as a dark or amber, will offer a richness of taste that pairs well with nuanced cigars. The choice should be made for flavors and fermentation levels compatible with the cigar's profile.

The wines

Natural sweet wines and certain ports present a surprisingly pleasant marriage of flavors with cigars, mainly due to their sweetness, which can soften the bitterness of tobacco. Some vintages offer complementary notes to the roasted or woody aromas of rich cigars.


The combination of cigar and Rum is a much-loved classic. Old rums, with their subtle sweet vanilla notes, go particularly well with cigars, especially when they share a common cultural and geographical heritage.

Visit Cognac and armagnac

Old cognacs and armagnacs, with their woody flavors, are the perfect companions for cigars, thanks to their complexity and finesse, which complement the richness of tobacco. They are often preferred for contemplative tasting moments.


A Whisky is traditionally enjoyed alongside a cigar. Bourbons or Scottish single malts are best enjoyed with medium to full-bodied cigars, creating memorable pairings.

Islay peated whiskies, in particular, are often chosen for their aromatic intensity, which resonates with the power of full-bodied cigars.


Visit Ginalthough less obvious in the minds of cigar lovers, can prove an excellent companion with its varied aromatic profiles, from the spiciest to the most floral. A Gin A well-executed tonic that refreshes the palate without overshadowing the complex flavors of a Habano.

Culture and evolution

The history of the combined consumption of cigars and spirits is as rich and nuanced as their flavors. From the drawing rooms of old Europe to the posh clubs of modern metropolises, this art of living has been passed down and evolved, taking into account the tastes and traditions of each era.

The constant search for harmony between flavors continues to shape the cigar tasting experience and inspire the development of spirits that can boast of complementing or exalting the tobacco bouquet. The cultural impact of this practice continues to grow, testifying to its importance in the world of cigar tasting.


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