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The "Objets d'exception" selection captures the spirit of those who seek to go beyond convention to explore new possibilities. This exclusive collection brings together distinguished pieces that symbolize not only elegance, but also a tribute to boldness and innovation. To choose an object from this range is to opt for a product that embodies the desire to push back boundaries and embrace excellence in its most refined form.

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Introduction to renowned cigars

The world of cigars is rich and diverse, with traditions going back centuries. The cigars featured here belong to a category that attracts attention for the care and quality put into their creation and maturation.

To explore this world is to understand the importance of detail and the subtlety of flavor nuances. Here's a guide to these handcrafted works of art.

Cuban cigars

Cuba is often considered the cradle of high-quality cigars. Plantations in the Vuelta Abajo region are renowned for producing tobacco of unrivalled finesse. Cuban cigars are distinguished by hand-crafting and rigorous control of quality standards.

Dominican cigars

The Dominican Republic is another major player. Fertile valleys like Cibao enjoy an ideal climate for growing tobacco. Cigars from this region often provide a perfect balance of sweetness and spice, giving them a recognizable taste signature.

Nicaraguan cigars

Nicaragua, with its rich volcanic soils, has seen its cigar industry grow exponentially. These cigars are usually characterized by a power and complexity of flavors, with spicy and earthy notes often present.

Mixing and construction

A cigar is made up of three components: the filler, the binder and the wrapper. The blend of filler leaves determines the flavor profile, while the binder and wrapper contribute to the experience with their own textures and aromas.

The construction of the cigar, hand-rolled by experienced torcedores, influences combustion and draw. Each brand has its own specificities, but excellence in construction is a constant for the cigars in this selection.

Flavor profile

Tasting notes vary greatly depending on the origin and maturation process of the tobacco. Flavors of leather, cocoa, wood, nuts and even fruit can be detected. The important thing is to find the right balance for each palate.

Heritage and evolution

Cigars are a product that has evolved over the years, inheriting traditional methods while incorporating innovations to improve quality and meet consumer preferences.

This evolution can be seen in the appearance of new terroirs, and in the meticulous selection of tobaccos to create unique blends.


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