Myon cigar cutters - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Worldwide premium cigar merchant since 1978
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Since 1919, Myon has embodied the excellence of French craftsmanship with its high-quality accessories for cigar enthusiasts. The brand offers a diverse range of elegant and practical items, from lighters with integrated cookie cutters to cigar cases, ceramic ashtrays and humidors equipped with hygrometers and humidifiers. Each product reflects an unwavering commitment to refinement and functionality, symbolizing the prestige and passion of cigar culture. Through rigorous selection of materials and meticulous design, Myon remains the preferred choice for those seeking authenticity and elegance in the world of cigars. To discover the quintessence of cigar luxury, Myon is the essential brand of French savoir-faire.

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Introducing Myon

Myon, established in 1919, is a French brand specializing in the creation of cigar accessories that emphasize craftsmanship and aesthetics. The company has built its reputation on the diversity and quality of its products for cigar enthusiasts.

Myon's know-how

The products offered by Myon are the result of meticulous craftsmanship, combining rigorous selection of materials with design focused on functionality and elegance. The product range includes lighters, cigar cases, ashtrays and humidors, all carefully crafted to meet the demands of cigar enthusiasts.

Myon lighters

Offering advanced functionality such as cookie-cutter integration, Myon lighters are designed to deliver an optimal user experience. Their design combines robustness and finesse, guaranteeing reliable performance and distinctive style.

Cigar Cases

Elegance and the preservation of cigar quality are at the heart of Myon's case design. They are created to guarantee optimum protection for cigars in all circumstances, while offering a refined and discreet visual appearance.

Ceramic Ashtrays

Myon ashtrays, crafted in ceramic, are functional objets d'art that complete the tasting experience. The choice of ceramic is not insignificant: a noble and durable material, it lends each piece a unique quality and aesthetic.

The Cigar Cellars

The humidifier and hygrometer integrated into Myon cigar humidors enable precise regulation of the interior climate, essential for maintaining the freshness and aroma of cigars. The design of the humidors combines functionality and aesthetics, reflecting the brand's philosophy.


Continuing the tradition of French savoir-faire in the world of cigars, Myon stands out for its commitment to quality and design. Through its history and the constant evolution of its accessories, Myon has been able to adapt to the needs of cigar enthusiasts, while preserving the essence of the heritage it bears.


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