Accessoires Divers - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Miscellaneous Accessories

Cigar accessories, essential for an optimal tasting experience, include a variety of tools for cutting, storing and enjoying cigars. Cigar cutters, offering several cutting methods, range from simple steel to luxury finishes. Cigar cases are ideal for transporting and protecting cigars. Cigar humidors or humidors preserve humidity and temperature, and can be simple or elaborate with electronic humidification systems. Humidifiers and hygrometers are crucial to maintaining ideal humidity levels, and today benefit from digital precision. Finally, ashtrays, an integral part of the smoking ritual, come in a variety of materials and styles. These accessories are the fruit of continuous innovation and respect for tradition in the world of cigars.

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Miscellaneous Accessories


Various cigar accessories

In the world of cigars, various accessories play an essential role in the tasting experience and quality preservation. This category encompasses a wide variety of products designed to enhance and preserve cigar aromas and flavors.

These accessories fall into several categories, including cigar cutters, cases, humidors, humidifiers and hygrometers, as well as ashtrays specially designed for cigar enthusiasts.

Cigar cutters

Cigar cutters are used to cut into the wrapper of a cigar before tasting. There are many variations: guillotine cigar cutters with single or double blades, punch cutters that make a circular hole, and scissors for precise cutting.

These tools are available in a range of materials from basic stainless steel to luxury finishes with titanium elements or precious wood inlays, with each brand aiming to offer performance and comfort.


Cigar cases are designed for the individual transport of cigars, protecting their structure while on the move. Often made of leather, carbon or synthetic materials, they come in a variety of capacities, from simple single cigars to cases that can hold several modules.

Cigar humidors

Cellars, or humidors, are essential for maintaining the optimum humidity and temperature for aging and preserving cigars. From personal table-top humidors to cabinets for larger collections, these devices come in a variety of finishes: cedar wood, glass, and even inlaid integrations for a more decorative look.

Some humidors feature electronic humidification systems, offering precise regulation of the internal climate, crucial for keeping cigars in ideal conditions.

Humidifiers and hygrometers

Humidifiers complement or are integrated into humidors to maintain the necessary relative humidity. They range from simple synthetic foams to elaborate crystal or gelatin systems. Hygrometers, meanwhile, measure humidity in the humidor and ensure that the environment remains constant.

Technological advances have led to the creation of electronic humidifiers and digital hygrometers, offering greater precision to cigar enthusiasts.


The ashtray is not just a receptacle for ashes; it's also an element in the ritual of cigar smoking. In crystal, metal or ceramic, they come in shapes and sizes to suit individual or collective use, with specific compartments for cigar resting.

These accessory categories are just a few examples of the vast range available to cigar enthusiasts. Manufacturers and craftsmen from all over the world contribute to this industry with their innovations and respect for tradition, demonstrating the ongoing evolution of accessories in cigar culture.


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