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With this page dedicated to our new cigarswe invite you to plunge into the world of cigars 2024where each product is a unique discovery. Whether you're a seasoned connoisseur or an enthusiast in search of new sensations, our selections are designed to offer an experience that's both refined and authentic. Each cigar, whether it's a new cuban cigars or other renowned terroirs, has been meticulously selected for its quality, character and ability to enrich your personal collection.
Visit new cigars we present reflect our passion for excellence. We have gathered together pieces from the finest plantations, created by recognized houses and up-and-coming talents. These cigars, available at different prices in our storeOur cigars are not just products, but invitations to explore new flavors, rediscover familiar aromas in a new light, and enjoy special moments of relaxation. Their diversity allows you to find the cigar that best suits your preferences, whether you're looking for woody, spicy or milder notes.
Choose from what's new cigars from our storeWith our cigars, you choose a unique sensory journey through the most prestigious terroirs of the tobacco world. These cigars, offered at a range of prices, are not only quality creations, but also testimonials to the know-how and innovation that are driving the cigar world in 2024. Whether you're looking to expand your humidor, add new cigar accessories to your collection, or to savor an exceptional piece, these new products promise an unforgettable experience, true to the spirit of CigarPassion.
La Couronne S.A.
Rue de Rive 34
1260 - Nyon - Vaud - Switzerland
Opening hours
Monday to Friday : 10:00am-12:00pm /
Saturday : 9h30-12h00 / 13h00-18h30
Sunday: closed
By email
By phone
Shop* in +41 79 808 58 88
Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.
Customer service +41 79 104 19 98
Monday to Saturday, 10am to 7pm.
*Cost of a local call, depending on your operator.