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The family store has been handed down from generation to generation for over 45 years. Specializing in the selection of the world's finest cigars, La Couronne SA and its staff contribute day after day to the satisfaction of its customers worldwide.
Everyday excellence is our ambition.
The Crown strives for excellence by emphasizing continuous improvement and the quest for perfection.
The Crown has instituted a strict quality control and traceability process to meet the demands of its customers.
Driven by a deep passion for the art of cigar making, La Couronne strives to pass on this philosophy to cigar enthusiasts.
La Couronne offers its customers an unrivalled diversity of exceptional products in terms of quality, quantity and rarity.
The provenance and authenticity of our cigars is a priority for La Couronne, which is why we only work with official, recognized suppliers.
Passionate about the world of tobacco, the Aazam Zanganeh - Plüss family bought the "La Couronne" boutique in 1978. Since then, Madame Aazam Zanganeh - Plüss has established herself as one of the first female cigar aficionados in Switzerland to make it her profession. Thanks to her expertise and passion, La Couronne has become a benchmark in Switzerland.
Two decades later, Alexis takes over the reins of the family business, La Couronne SA, and specializes the boutique exclusively in premium cigars. His ambition drives him to explore the frontiers of this fascinating universe. Driven by boundless ambition, he set out to explore this captivating universe.
Today, La Couronne specializes in the selection of the most beautiful cigars in the world. Day after day, the company and its employees contribute to the satisfaction of its customers worldwide by offering its services in several tobacco-related fields: consulting, cigar trading...
Discover the milestones that have shaped La Couronne S.A. over the past 60 years.
La Couronne's mission is to share and perpetuate the passion for exceptional cigars, by combining impeccable, personalized service. To achieve this, it offers a rigorous selection of authentic cigars and accompanies its customers in their epicurean experiences, drawing on its expertise and family heritage.
La Couronne SA has a team of over 20 tobacco experts. Like the company and its leader, the La Couronne SA team shares the same philosophy of excellence.
La Couronne S.A.
Rue de Rive 34
1260 - Nyon - Vaud - Switzerland
Opening hours
Monday to Friday : 10:00am-12:00pm /
Saturday : 9h30-12h00 / 13h00-18h30
Sunday: closed
By email
By phone
Shop* in +41 79 808 58 88
Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.
Customer service +41 79 104 19 98
Monday to Saturday, 10am to 7pm.
*Cost of a local call, depending on your operator.