Aganorsa Leaf La Validación Habano - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Aganorsa Leaf La Validación Habano

The Aganorsa Leaf La Validación Habano is a premium Nicaraguan cigar offering an exceptional tasting experience, perfect for pairing with a rich brown beverage. This cigar boasts a notable strength of 4 out of 5, combining robustness and delicacy for lovers of strong flavors. The wrapper is composed of Ecuadorian Habano leaves that ensure a rich aroma, while the finest selection of Nicaraguan Aganorsa leaves, used for the binder and filler, give the cigar nuanced, deep flavors. Spicy, bold and complex, La Validación Habano promises to satisfy even the most demanding cigar-lover's palate. It's the perfect choice for an elegant, authentic tasting experience, to be savored slowly to appreciate every nuance of its balanced flavors.

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Aganorsa Leaf La Validación Habano


Aganorsa Leaf La Validación Habano

La Validación Habano, produced by Aganorsa Leafis a series that testifies to the brand's expertise and tradition in cigar production. These products are crafted with meticulous attention to detail and are designed for connoisseurs of quality cigars.

Origin and Composition

From Nicaragua, the Habano series is distinguished by its wrapper made from Habano leaves from Ecuador. The binder and filler are made exclusively from the finest Aganorsa tobacco leaves from Nicaragua. Nicaraguarenowned for their aromatic richness.

Manufacturing features

The Validación Habano blend follows a rigorous process to ensure a high-quality final product. The strength measured at 4 out of 5 suggests a cigar with remarkable presence without being overpowering, suitable for a public appreciating rich flavor profiles.

Taste profile

The tasting notes of Habano cigars are characterized by a balance of spices and subtle aromas. Smokers can expect deep, nuanced flavors that offer a complete sensory experience, lusciously enhanced by bold, spicy touches.

Tradition and Innovation

Aganorsa Leaf draws on a rich heritage while integrating modern techniques to produce innovative cigars such as La Validación Habano. This respectful blend of cigar traditions produces creations that are both part of the history and innovation of the field.

Cultural Impact

Since their inception, cigar categories such as Aganorsa Leaf have had a notorious influence on cigar culture. Validación Habano continues to contribute to this culture, offering flavours that appeal to both novices and seasoned connoisseurs worldwide.


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