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Worldwide premium cigar merchant since 1978
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Assess the value of your cigars

Have your cigars appraised by market specialists and discover the hidden potential of your collection. Excellence and expertise at your service.

vintage cigars and limited editions

In the fascinating world of vintage cigars and limited editions, the seasoned collector makes his way where passion meets the irrational. These connoisseurs, driven by an unconditional love for their precious vitolas, don't hesitate to invest time and resources to enrich their collection. Collecting is an art of living, where rigor, patience and passion intertwine to maintain their treasures in impeccable condition - a non-negotiable criterion for any enlightened connoisseur.

1 vintage cigars and limited editions

What exactly is a vintage cigar?

Cigars have always been objects of desire and speculation. Any connoisseur is well aware of the long-term investment this can represent. The flavors of the best cigars develop over time. This olfactory and gustatory evolution depends on the terroir, the quality of the tobacco itself and the harvesting conditions. It would be unwise not to add to this the value brought to the finished product by the manufacturing and fermentation process.
For some cigars, prices can be multiplied by 5, 10, 20 or even 100 over the years! Welcome to the world of vintage cigars!

Buying and selling vintage cigar collections

Understanding the appraisal of a vintage cigar

Appreciating vintage cigars is a delicate art, requiring specialized expertise and a thorough understanding of the factors that influence their value.
We meticulously evaluate each cigar: examining provenance, condition, age and rarity to accurately determine the market value of each piece.

Investing in vintage cigars is comparable to acquiring works of art. Each cigar has its own history, its own maturation trajectory, which is reflected in its value. We offer a purchasing service that respects the integrity of your collection. Our team is dedicated to providing you with a fair, transparent and advantageous offer, taking into account the nuances of today's vintage cigar market.

How do we value a vintage cigar collection?

Provenance and authentication: We validate the origin of our cigars, ensuring their authenticity.

Conservation analysis: Conservation status is scrupulously assessed, as it is a key indicator of quality.

Rarity assessment: Rarity is a determining factor in value, particularly for limited editions or discontinued productions.

Determining the market price: We compare with current market prices, adjusting the estimate according to current and future trends.

2 how to estimate a collection

3 good reasons to call on cigar experts:

Our collection

For buyers with a passion for cigars, our collection represents a gateway to unrivalled taste experiences and exceptional pieces. Each cigar selected from our range has undergone a rigorous assessment of authenticity and quality, ensuring that each acquisition becomes a genuine investment, both emotionally and financially. By choosing from our collection, you not only gain access to rare and vintage cigars, but also embark on a journey through cigar history and culture, enriched by the passion and expertise of the world's finest producers. Discover our exclusive selection and let our expertise guide you in enriching your collection with pieces that stand out for their unique character and aromatic richness.


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