Discovery offers Brand 3 - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Brand Discovery Offers

Branded discovery offers are perfect for those looking to enjoy a variety of cigars from a single brand. From Nicaraguan My Father Cigars to elegant Davidoff Dominicans, each selection offers a unique taste experience and makes an ideal gift for cigar lovers. The range includes flavors from spicy and woody notes to chocolate and citrus aromas, suitable for all palates, from beginners to aficionados.

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Brand Discovery Offers


Explore flavours with Brand Discovery Offers

Discovering the world of cigars can be as enriching as it is varied, with each brand possessing its own signature and heritage. Visit Discovery Offers brands allow cigar lovers to explore this diversity through a carefully composed selection of several vitolas, offering a gustatory panorama of the best each brand has to offer.

My Father Cigars: Nicaraguan craftsmanship

My Father Cigars is a tribute to the expertise and passion of the Garcia family. Grown in the NicaraguaThese cigars are characterized by their blend of tobaccos with balanced, complex aromas. Careful construction ensures an even burn, while the flavor profile varies from spicy notes to hints of leather and coffee.

Arturo Fuente Opus X: The Precious Dominican

This Dominican masterpiece is renowned for its exclusivity and exceptional quality. Arturo Fuente Opus X celebrates its 20th anniversary with rich tasting notes and impeccable construction. Its unique blend of tobaccos offers a unique experience, combining strength and sweetness with chocolate and citrus aromas.

Davidoff: The evolution of elegance

The brand Davidoff embodies elegance and sophistication in the cigar industry. With roots stretching from Cuba to the Dominican Republic, Davidoff offers a refined tasting experience, with perfectly aged tobaccos and delicate notes of wood, spice and a light creamy finish.

Paradiso: A sensory voyage

Named after a corner of paradise, Paradiso reflects the exuberance and richness of Caribbean soils. These handcrafted cigars invoke a bold flavor profile, with carefully selected tobaccos to deliver a full-bodied yet harmonious tasting experience, enhanced by woody and spicy notes.

E. P. Carrillo: Innovation and tradition

The Carrillo family is renowned for its dedication to blending tradition and innovation in the creation of its cigars. E. P. Carrillooften recognized for its avant-garde approach, brings together tobaccos of diverse origins to achieve a perfect balance between complexity and accessibility, offering rich, nuanced flavors that will satisfy the most demanding palates.

Behind the scenes of the discovery

Each discovery offer is an opportunity to appreciate the work of the finest cigar producers. From cultivation and fermentation techniques to the mastery of rolling, these selections represent the brands' unwavering dedication to providing a quality experience. Ideal smokes for novices and aficionados alike, they invite you on a journey where authenticity and craftsmanship come first.


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