The best cigars
This selection illustrates a representative range of cigars renowned for their craftsmanship and aromatic profile. Each cigar is the expression of a specific tradition, know-how and terroir.
Origin and terroir
Cigars are influenced by where they are produced, with regions such as Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua and Honduras among the most renowned. Soils, climates and farming techniques are all factors that shape their identity.
Manufacturing and know-how
The cigar-making process is a meticulous sequence of stages: cultivation, harvesting, fermentation and rolling. From 'hand-rolled' to 'machine-molded', each method has an influence on the cigar's complexity and combustion.
Types of tobacco and blends
The tobacco leaves used vary according to wrapper, binder and tripe, offering a multitude of flavor combinations. Tobaccos such as Corojo, Connecticut Shade and Habano largely determine the taste profile.
Tasting notes
The best creations are distinguished by a well-balanced palette of flavors. Woody, spicy and leathery notes, among others, emerge throughout the tasting, offering a unique experience with each print.
History and culture
The history of cigars is rich and varied, with origins ranging from indigenous peoples to modern innovations. Each cigar tells a story of terroir, evolving tastes and culture, celebrated the world over.