Cases of 3 to 5 Cigars 2 - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Cases of 3 to 5 Cigars

Boxes of 3 to 5 cigars offer cigar lovers the opportunity to discover a selection of cigars without committing to the purchase of an entire box. They reflect the richness of the terroirs of Cuba, Nicaragua, Honduras and the Dominican Republic, highlighting the superior quality of the tobacco produced. These assortments highlight the diversity of capa leaves and tripa blends, resulting from rigorous selection and traditional fermentation and aging methods. The cigars are handmade by skilled craftsmen, ensuring excellent consistency in draw and burn. Taste profiles are varied, from earthy notes to fruity flavors, accompanied by hints of leather, spice or coffee, for a pleasurable and diverse sensory experience that is part of an evolving and increasingly accessible cultural tradition.

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Cases of 3 to 5 Cigars


Introduction to 3- to 5-cigar cases

Boxes of 3 to 5 cigars are designed for those who wish to explore a range of cigars without the commitment of a full box. These assortments offer an opportunity to test the consistency of quality and diversity of flavor profiles.

Origins and traditions

Each wrapper comes from renowned tobacco-growing regions such as Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Honduras and Nicaragua. The care taken in the tobacco growing and harvesting process is reflected in the quality of each cigar. The terroirs are distinguished by their distinct soils and climates, which directly influence the characteristics of the tobacco.

Tobacco characteristics

In these cases, the types of tobacco used can vary from seductive capa leaves with a veined look to balanced tripa blends. Manufacturers select leaves that meet strict criteria of maturity, aroma and flavor. The different methods of fermenting and ageing tobacco also contribute to the complexity of each cigar.

Manufacturing process

Cigar-making involves several painstaking stages, from hand-rolling to rigorous quality control. Artisan torcedores use techniques handed down from generation to generation to create cigars of remarkable consistency in draw and burn.

Tasting profile

The tasting notes of the cigars contained in these cases can vary from earthy and woody to sweet and fruity. Each cigar invites a unique sensory experience, often complemented by nuances of leather, spice or coffee, to satisfy a wide range of preferences.

Cultural impact and evolution

The popularity of 3- to 5-cigar cases bears witness to changing consumer habits. Once the preserve of the elite, cigars are now enjoyed by a wider public. These trial formats reflect the desire of cigar aficionados to familiarize themselves with the complexity of cigars, while bearing witness to the centuries-old history that shapes them.


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