Square line presentation
The Square cigar collection follows a tradition of quality and accessibility. Each module in this series offers enthusiasts a carefully balanced tasting experience, supported by meticulous fermentation of the tobacco leaves.
Square Modules
From Square 1 to Square 6, this diverse range offers a variety of sizes and flavour profiles to suit individual preferences. The cigars are built to ensure regular combustion and a satisfactory draw.
The Meerapfel Family
Behind the Square line is the Meerapfel family, whose Belgian heritage and international renown as distributors of Padron and Arturo Fuente attest to their expertise and passion for quality tobacco.
The Meerapfel family plantations
The Meerapfels manage plantations all over the world, giving them access to a wide range of tobaccos from diverse origins and guaranteeing the excellence of Square cigars in terms of taste and texture.
Square's specific features
Each Square category is characterized by meticulous attention to detail, from leaf selection to cigar finishing. The advanced fermentation process results in refined flavors and consistent production quality.
Tasting notes and experience
Fans can expect subtle, distinctive tasting notes for each Square module. Without singling out any particular flavors, spicy, woody nuances and a background sweetness characteristic of certain blends are generally recognizable.
Impact on cigar culture
The Square line, backed by the Meerapfel heritage, contributes to the diversity of the cigar landscape. It offers affordable options without compromising quality, helping to broaden the accessibility of premium cigars to a wider audience.