Plasencia Alma Fuerte - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Plasencia Alma Fuerte

The Plasencia Alma Fuerte series is a collection of premium cigars featuring tobacco blends from four Nicaraguan regions. These cigars offer a rich taste experience marked by at least 9 years of aging. The Shade Grown de Jalapa wrapper is appreciated for its dark, oily appearance, a sign of great maturity. With notes of chocolate, coffee and sweet spices, module varieties such as Sixto II, Robustus I, Nestor IV and Generacion V promise complex flavors and unique taste sensations. These cigars illustrate Plasencia's expertise and innovation, leaving a notable imprint on premium cigar culture.

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Plasencia Alma Fuerte


Introduction to Plasencia Alma Fuerte cigars

The Plasencia Alma Fuerte series represents a rigorous selection of premium cigars, designed by a brand renowned for its heritage and expertise in tobacco growing. This line-up includes exclusive blends of leaves, meticulously chosen to bring a rich experience to cigar lovers.

Origin and Composition

Each Plasencia Alma Fuerte cigar features a blend of tobaccos from four Nicaraguan regions: EstelĂ­, Condega, Jalapa and Ometepe. The combination of these different terroirs lends complexity and a rich aromatic palette to the cigar. The wrapper is a Shade Grown from Jalapa, remarkable for its dark color and oily feel, indicative of its maturity and quality.

The aging process

The tobacco leaves that make up Plasencia Alma Fuerte cigars are aged for at least 9 years. This prolonged process allows the aromas to develop fully and the flavors to marry, ensuring a rich, nuanced tasting experience.

Profile and Flavors

Given the strength of these cigars, connoisseurs can expect a memorable tasting experience. Notes range from chocolate and coffee to suggestions of dried fruit and mild spices, reflecting the diversity of Nicaragua's terroir profile.

The different modules

The Plasencia Alma Fuerte collection features a range of interesting modules, each offering a distinct profile in terms of both dimensions and taste sensations.

Plasencia Alma Fuerte Sixto II

The Sixto II features a hexagonal box-pressed format, giving it a distinctive presence both to the eye and in the hand. Its construction is both bold and traditional, offering a steady burn and a consistent smoking experience.

Plasencia Alma Fuerte Robustus I

Robustus I, also modeled in hexagonal box-pressed, is acclaimed for its balance and fullness. Its size and proportion make it ideal for prolonged tasting and contemplative moments.

Plasencia Alma Fuerte Nestor IV

The Nestor IV embodies Plasencia's heritage, offering a cigar size that promotes easy access to the complexities of the blend. Its meticulous construction guarantees a seamless tasting experience.

Plasencia Alma Fuerte Generacion V

The Generacion V module is renowned for its atypical silhouette and pronounced character. Enthusiasts recognize this cigar for its intensity and rich profile, suitable for palates seeking depth in their smoking experience.

Impact on Cigar Culture

Plasencia Alma Fuerte cigars reflect the evolution and innovation of the cigar industry, while preserving the traditional values of cigar production. Their influence on cigar culture can be seen around the world, where they are celebrated for their quality and ability to deliver a memorable experience.


With the Alma Fuerte collection, Plasencia offers a series of cigars distinguished by their rich composition and mastery of aging. The brand arouses the interest of connoisseurs while affirming its role as an innovative leader in the sphere of top-of-the-range cigars.


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