Plasencia Alma Del Fuego - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Plasencia Alma Del Fuego

Plasencia Alma Del Fuego cigars are an exquisite tribute to fertile terroir and traditional know-how. Harvested from the rich volcanic soil of the island of Ometepe, they offer a complex taste profile with spicy and sweet notes. Leaves from the Jalapa Valley add softness and density to the wrapper for impeccable quality. The Plasencia family's expertise in tobacco growing and cigar making is reflected in every piece, blending innovation with methods inherited from generation to generation. With aromas of mandarin orange, roasted cashew nuts and guava wood, Plasencia Alma Del Fuego cigars embody an alliance of tradition and modernity, shaping the evolution of cigar culture.

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Plasencia Alma Del Fuego


Introduction to Plasencia Alma Del Fuego cigars

Plasencia Alma Del Fuego cigars reflect the distinct terroir of their origins. Derived from rich, fertile soils, they are distinguished by their flavor complexity. Each cigar is designed to bring a unique sensory experience to the smoker, thanks to specific growing and rolling techniques.

Origin and terroir

Much of the uniqueness of Plasencia Alma Del Fuego comes from the island of Ometepe, known for its rich volcanic sediment. The close connection between the soil and the tobacco leaf directly influences the cigar's flavours.

Composition and Type of Tobacco

These cigars are made with tobacco leaves grown in the sunny Jalapa Valley. This strategic choice for the wrapper provides a smooth, dense flavor profile. Careful selection of these leaves is essential to achieving the desired quality.

Manufacturing and Confection

Plasencia Alma Del Fuego is made using traditional methods combined with innovation. The Plasencia family's know-how, handed down through several generations, is reflected in the precise rolling and meticulous selection of the best leaves.

Taste Profile and Tasting Notes

The taste profile reveals a balance between spiciness and sweetness. Notes of mandarin orange, roasted cashew nuts and guava wood blend harmoniously, offering an intense yet enveloping experience.

Cultural Impact and Evolution

Plasencia Alma Del Fuego cigars illustrate the evolution of cigar culture by integrating avant-garde flavours and cultivation techniques. They also embody the continuity of ancestral methods, attesting to the durability and adaptability of cigar-making tradition.


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