Introduction to Plasencia Cigars
The Plasencia family has been refining its expertise in tobacco growing and cigar making since 1865. Begun in Cuba and continued in Nicaragua and Honduras, this long tradition translates into quality cigars that reflect the heritage of five generations.
Cultivation and production processes
Plasencia is renowned for its commitment to ecologically responsible growing methods. This choice is reflected in the "Reserva Original" product line, previously known as "Organica", guaranteeing a purely Nicaraguan cigar.
This range is the fruit of a rigorous selection of organically grown tobaccos, featuring artisanal manufacturing techniques and impeccable quality resulting from each year's unique harvest.
Construction details
The structure of Plasencia cigars involves a wrapper, a binder and a filler, all from Nicaragua. This geographical consistency favours a harmony of flavours particularly sought-after by aficionados.
Careful construction ensures even smoking and constant draft, underlining Plasencia's expertise in cigar rolling and finishing.
Flavor profile
The character of the "Reserva Original" range is distinguished by a balance between moderate strength and notable flavor complexity, producing a rich, nuanced taste experience.
Cigar lovers can expect delicate, smooth aromatic notes, taking full advantage of the organoleptic qualities of Nicaraguan tobacco, grown with care and without chemical additives.
Tradition and innovation
While remaining faithful to the family tradition, Plasencia also makes its mark in the field of innovation, offering cigars that meet contemporary expectations in terms of quality and durability.
The seamless transition from "Organica" to "Reserva Original" underlines the brand's evolution and ability to adapt while preserving the essence of its heritage.
Impact on cigar culture
Plasencia's contributions have shaped the cigar industry, offering products that inspire other manufacturers to pursue excellence and respect for tobacco authenticity.
Plasencia cigars continue to influence standards of quality and expertise in the art of cigar making, making a lasting mark on cigar culture worldwide.