Introduction to Nicaraguan cigars
Nicaraguan cigars are renowned for their quality and diversity, offering connoisseurs a rich palette of flavors and aromas. Grown in fertile volcanic soil, these cigars are renowned for their intensity and complexity of flavor.
Tradition and terroir
Thanks to its ideal climate and unique terroir, Nicaragua has developed a solid reputation in the cigar world. The EstelĂ, Jalapa and Condega regions are particularly famous for their distinctive tobacco leaves.
La Rica
An emblematic Nicaraguan brand, La Rica is distinguished by its blend of robust tobaccos, resulting in full-bodied cigars with spicy notes and a sumptuous finish on the palate.
AJ Fernandez
AJ Fernandez stands out for its commitment to innovation while respecting traditional methods. Its cigars, often precision-crafted, feature a rich and diverse flavor profile.
Flor De Las Antillas
Considered a tribute to Cuban cigars, Flor De Las Antillas offers a medium-strong tasting experience with impeccable construction and notes of cocoa and coffee.
NUB by Oliva
The NUB range, developed by Oliva, innovates with a short, robust format. These cigars concentrate their flavors for an aromatic explosion from the very first puff, highlighting woody and creamy notes.
Construction and design
Making a Nicaraguan cigar is an art, reflected in the quality of the construction and the choice of tobaccos. From powerful ligeros to mild secos, each leaf contributes to the cigar's harmony.
Flavor profile
Each Nicaraguan brand offers a unique flavor profile. Earthy, spicy and sweet combinations are evident in the different ranges, offering varied tastings for all palates.
Cultural impact
Nicaraguan cigars play a significant role in cigar culture worldwide, gaining in prestige and appreciation among international communities of aficionados.
Steeped in history and shaped by centuries-old craftsmanship, Nicaraguan cigars are a preferred choice for cigar aficionados seeking an authentic and varied tasting experience.