Horacio 2 - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Worldwide premium cigar merchant since 1978
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Swiss-based Horacio Distribution excels in the worldwide marketing of Horacio cigars, managing from Geneva with its warehouse at the port-franc de la Praille. Horacio cigars, blended in Esteli, Nicaragua - renowned as the cigar capital of the world - are renowned for their impeccable construction and consistent draw. Each Horacio cigar is a tricultural symphony, with an Ecuadorian wrapper adding delicacy, a Costa Rican wrapper adding structure, and a Nicaraguan filler rich in flavor. These components give the cigars an aromatic profile characterized by earthy notes and harmonious complexity. Combining tradition and innovation, Horacio continues to make its mark on the cigar world, attracting enthusiasts and connoisseurs with its authentic cigar art and contemporary approach.

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Horacio brand overview

Horacio Distribution is a Swiss company specializing in the marketing of quality cigars. Operating from Geneva, the company also manages a warehouse at the La Praille free port, where it coordinates international distribution.

Horacio cigars are produced in Esteli, known as the cigar capital of Nicaragua. Attention to detail and the selection of tobaccos contribute to finished products that stand out for their quality of construction and consistency of production.

Composition and assembly

Horacio cigars feature a tricultural composition. The blend includes a wrapper from Ecuador, known for its texture and delicate aroma. The binder comes from Costa Rica, contributing to the cigar's overall structure, while the filler is composed of tobaccos from Nicaragua, offering robustness and aromatic richness.

Flavor profile

Horacio cigars display a range of flavors that reflect the heritage of their geographical origins. Smokers can expect earthy notes typical of Nicaragua, complemented by the subtropical sweetness of the Ecuadorian wrapper and the complexity of the Costa Rican wrapper.

How Horacio cigars are made

Horacio cigars are blended with meticulous care. The process includes rigorous leaf selection, controlled drying and fermentation, and skilful rolling by experienced torcedores to ensure a balanced draw.

Cultural impact and innovation

Horacio cigars are rooted in a rich tradition while incorporating innovations into their manufacturing process. This approach has enabled the brand to make a name for itself within the cigar-loving community, contributing to the diversity of the cigar landscape.

The evolution of Horacio reflects the evolution of cigar culture, a blend of historic craftsmanship and modern perspectives that attracts connoisseurs and new enthusiasts alike.


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