Horacio Gran Reserva Bulier - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Horacio Gran Reserva Bulier

The Horacio Gran Reserva Bulier range embodies excellence in the world of cigars, combining tradition and superior quality. These exceptional pieces feature an Ecuadorian Maduro wrapper leaf, offering an oily texture and deep flavors. Grown in the fertile soils of Nicaragua, the wrapper and filler provide complex aromas of earth, spice, chocolate and coffee. Each cigar is meticulously rolled and selected to guarantee a rich taste experience and a steady burn. With an international reputation, Horacio Gran Reserva Bulier cigars represent a perfect balance between ancestral and innovative methods to seduce connoisseurs.

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Horacio Gran Reserva Bulier


Introduction to the Horacio Gran Reserva Bulier range

The Horacio Gran Reserva Bulier range features cigars produced using a blend of tobaccos chosen for their quality and taste compatibility. The wrapper leaf, native to Ecuador, is a Maduro that gives the cigar its dark appearance and distinctive aromatic notes. The Gran Reserva series stands out for its meticulous manufacturing, meticulous choice of leaves and attention to detail in the rolling process.

The Ecuadorian Maduro Cape Leaf

Using a Maduro wrapper leaf from Ecuador, these cigars are characterized by their rich color and oily texture. The wrapper is renowned for its influence on the cigar's taste, providing a deep dimension and persistent aromas. It contributes to the cigar's even burn, essential to the smoker's overall experience.

Nicaraguan Tobacco

The binder and filler come from Nicaraguan plantations. Nicaragua is prized in the cigar world for its fertile soil and ideal climate, which produce high-quality tobacco with complex flavors. The leaves selected for Horacio Gran Reserva Bulier are carefully harvested and fermented to ensure a rich, aromatic tasting experience.

Taste profile of Horacio Gran Reserva Bulier

The unique blend provides a full, nuanced flavor profile. Smokers can expect earthy, spicy flavors typical of Maduro wrapper tobaccos, accompanied by the richness and subtle notes of chocolate and coffee brought by Nicaraguan tobaccos. Horacio Gran Reserva Bulier cigars are round on the palate, with the aromas evolving as the smoke progresses.

Tradition and Modern Manufacturing

Horacio Gran Reserva Bulier cigars are the fruit of traditional manufacturing methods and contemporary innovations in tobacco selection and rolling techniques. The care taken in the selection of leaves and the construction of each cigar guarantees consistent quality and a homogeneous smoking experience for the consumer.

The Cultural Impact and Evolution of Horacio Cigars

The different categories in the range reflect the evolution of cigar culture. By addressing changing preferences and innovations in the production process, Horacio has been able to adapt while preserving the heritage of ancestral know-how. The brand's international recognition testifies to its impact on the cigar market and connoisseurs' appreciation of its creations.


In a nutshell, the Horacio Gran Reserva Bulier range offers top-quality cigars, made from tobaccos carefully selected for their taste and complementary characteristics. Combining tradition and modernity, these cigars offer a specific tasting experience, marked by the strong identity of their terroir and the know-how of their production.


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