Explore the Horacio French Connection range
The Horacio French Connection range seems to stand at the crossroads between two worlds: the elegance of French design and the richness of Caribbean traditions. This cigar series is a tribute to cigar culture, skilfully blending heritage and creativity.
Origin and manufacture
Produced in the Caribbean, Horacio French Connection cigars benefit from recognized expertise. The choice of tobaccos, the attention paid to cultivation and the precision of rolling techniques capture the essence of a manufacturing process that respects artisanal methods. The series takes a traditional yet innovative approach, paying particular attention to leaf selection and blending.
Horacio French Connection cigar categories
Horacio offers three main vitolas in its French Connection line: the 50, 52 and 56. Each reference has its own characteristics, bearing the name of these numbers which essentially indicate the cigar's caliber, i.e. its diameter measured in sixty-fourths of an inch.
Le Cigare Horacio French Connection 50
The 50 has a fine, compact structure, ideal for a medium-length smoking experience. The geographic origin of the tobacco combines Central American leaves with a delicate wrapper. This module offers a rather balanced, medium-strong flavor profile. Consumers can expect to perceive aromas of pepper and light spices, with subtle background notes of cocoa.
Le Cigare Horacio French Connection 52
Adopting a slightly fuller gauge, the 52 offers a more intense variation on the palate. Its robusto format is particularly suited to lovers of strong sensations, without losing any of its finesse. Here, the tobacco comes from soils selected for their contribution to the cigar's aromatic complexity. Tasters will speak of a preserved richness, blending leathery flavors with hints of dark chocolate.
Le Cigare Horacio French Connection 56
Finally, the 56, with its large diameter, is positioned as a cigar of character and long-lasting enjoyment. The blend of tobaccos is designed to offer a full-bodied smoke and a pronounced richness of flavor. Like its counterparts, it reveals a complex palette of tastes, where sweet spices blend harmoniously with a hint of chocolate, the hallmark of this range.
Cultural Impact and Evolution
The Horacio French Connection range is part of the cigar industry's perpetual quest for excellence. In a world where traditions collide and reinvent themselves, these cigars bear witness to the constant evolution of connoisseurs' tastes and preferences. By combining the heritage of Caribbean terroirs with French elegance, each cigar in this series contributes to shaping cigar culture in its own image, diverse and united.