Flor De Oliva - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Flor De Oliva

Flor De Oliva, a renowned range from Oliva Cigars, offers excellent value for money with its handmade sticks made from Nicaraguan 100% tripe and sub-capes. Varied choices of wrappers such as sweet and savory Sumatra, smooth Connecticut, rich Corojo and intense, earthy Maduro, all are first-rate and affordably priced. A relaxing experience with spicy notes and tobacco quality, these cigars embody tradition while selling without sacrificing quality for cost. Quality at this price level defies the prejudice that packaged cigars lack flavor.

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Flor De Oliva


General presentation

Flor De Oliva cigars are part of a range offered by the renowned Oliva Cigars family business, which has been active in the tobacco market for several generations. Known for their excellent value for money, these cigars are handmade using rigorously selected ingredients.

Flor De Oliva categories

The Flor De Oliva range is distinguished by its variety, offering different wrappers and flavors that appeal to a wide audience of cigar lovers.

Sumatra packaging

The Sumatra wrapper offers a smooth, flavorful taste profile. Sourced from a region of Southeast Asia renowned for its tobacco production, the Sumatra leaves used in these cigars are appreciated for their subtle sweetness and pleasant aftertaste.

Connecticut packaging

Cigars with Connecticut shade wrapper are known for their smoothness and creaminess. Connecticut leaves are grown undercover, giving them a light color and silky texture, with smooth tasting notes and a light body.

Corojo packaging

Corojo, whose popularity dates back to Cuba, is appreciated for its full-bodied character. Flor De Oliva cigars using this type of wrapper offer a balance of rich flavors and moderate strength that is reflected in a deep, lingering tasting experience.

Maduro packaging

Those seeking a richer, more intense flavor will opt for the Maduro pack. Maduro leaves undergo a longer fermentation process, giving them a darker color and a full-bodied flavor profile, marked by earthy notes and hints of spicy sweetness.

Quality and accessibility

Flor De Oliva is committed to offering premium quality cigars without the price tag usually associated with top-of-the-range products. True to this principle, the cigars are not "seconds", but are subject to the same strict manufacturing standards as all the brand's products.

Tasting experience

The experience offered by Flor De Oliva cigars is one of relaxation accompanied by a well-balanced palette of flavors and aromas. The spicy notes and intrinsic quality of the tobacco create a pleasurable tasting experience for a variety of preferences.

Tradition and innovation

Oliva Cigars perpetuates tradition while adopting innovative practices in the manufacture of its products. This combination guarantees the integrity of the cigar while responding to the trends and preferences of today's consumers.

History and culture of cigars

The cultural dimension of cigars is deeply rooted in history, and the Flor De Oliva range is part of this rich heritage. The different categories reflect the evolution of tastes and manufacturing techniques that have shaped the cigar industry around the world.


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