Undercrown Sun Grown cigars - La Couronne S.A.
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Undercrown Sun Grown

Drew Estate's Sun Grown Undercrown Cigars combine tradition and innovation, with a wrapper of Ecuadorian-raised Sumatra Sun Grown tobacco and a connecticutian undercrown, complemented by a tripe of Nicaraguan tobaccos, including one from Nueva Segovia that moderates the intensity. Appreciated for their craftsmanship and balanced flavor profile, these cigars are distinguished by spicy notes, subtle sweetness and woody aromas with hints of nuts and coffee. The fusion of varied terroirs gives the Undercrown Sun Grown range a complex and internationally recognized signature, fortifying the cigar's cultural heritage.

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Undercrown Sun Grown


Introduction to Undercrown Sun Grown cigars

The world of cigars is constantly being enriched with varieties that offer new taste experiences for cigar lovers. The Undercrown Sun Grown range from Drew Estate has earned its place in the world of cigars thanks to its unique composition and consistent quality.

Origins and Composition

The Undercrown Sun Grown cigar draws its origins from a balance of diversely appreciated terroirs. With a wrapper of Sumatra Sun Grown tobacco grown in Ecuador, the cigar promises a rich, full-bodied experience. The binder, meanwhile, is made from Connecticut tobacco leaf. The heart of the cigar - the filler - is a blend of Nicaraguan tobaccos, including a variety of Nueva Segovia, giving the whole a moderate intensity.

Manufacturing and Quality

The Undercrown Sun Grown line of cigars is manufactured to the same exacting standards for which Drew Estate is renowned. Cigar makers rely on proven hand-rolling methods, ensuring optimum consistency and density for each piece. The selection of mature, high-quality leaves contributes to the cigars' outstanding taste properties.

Taste profile

The typical tasting notes of Undercrown Sun Grown cigars are a reflection of their composition. Lovers can expect spicy nuances accompanied by a subtle sweetness, a notable characteristic of Sun Grown tobacco. The profile is completed by aromas of wood, nuts and a light touch of coffee, offering an attractive complexity without being overpowering.

Tradition and Innovation

The Undercrown Sun Grown range draws on the venerable tradition of the cigar industry while introducing innovations in its tobacco blends. This approach reflects Drew Estate's ongoing quest for excellence and its desire to respect the varied preferences of cigar connoisseurs.

Culture and Global Impact

Each category of cigar produced by Drew Estate has its own history and contributes in some way to the great mosaic of cigar culture. Undercrown Sun Grown, with its multicultural approach to tobacco selection and distinctive character, has made a significant impact, gaining international recognition that enriches cigar heritage.


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