Undercrown Shady XX - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Undercrown Shady XX

The Undercrown Shady XX cigar is a remarkable collaboration between Drew Estate and Eminem's Shady Records, embodying the successes of their 20-year legacies. Similar to their narratives of rising from modest beginnings to industry prominence, this cigar is a rich blend of resilience and craftsmanship. Box-pressed into a Belicoso shape, it offers a robust profile with notes of chocolate, earth, leather, and a peppery finish, crafted with a Mexican San Andres wrapper, a Connecticut Habano binder, and a mix of North American, Nicaraguan, and Brazilian fillers. This is their third collaboration but the first to be produced on a regular basis, making it more accessible beyond Detroit, Eminem's hometown. The collaboration and regular production of Undercrown Shady XX mark a significant chapter in modern cigar culture.

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Undercrown Shady XX


Introduction to Undercrown Shady XX Cigars

Undercrown Shady XX cigars are a culmination of a distinctive collaboration between Drew Estate and Shady Records, marking the synergy between the cigar industry and the world of music. This particular line of cigars is a testament to the journey of creating an enduring product through a blend of cultural authenticity and shared values.

Craftmanship and Heritage

The Undercrown Shady XX is not just a cigar; it's a narrative of craftmanship intertwined with heritage. Born from the collaborative efforts of two entities that have each marked 20 years of industry experience, these cigars embody the marriage of tradition and innovation. Drew Estate, a company known for its unconventional approach, and Shady Records, a label that represents the fight for recognition, both reflect the ethos of determination and artistry.

Blend Composition

The blend for the Undercrown Shady XX is familiar yet distinguished. It leverages the base profile of the renowned Undercrown Maduro line. The construction involves a resilient Mexican San Andres wrapper that envelops a Connecticut Habano binder. The filler is a carefully selected potpourri of tobaccos from North America, Nicaragua, and Brazil, contributing to the cigar's unique flavor profile.

Manufacturing Details

Each Undercrown Shady XX cigar is meticulously crafted into a box-pressed Belicoso shape, a choice indicative of the attention to detail in its production. The decision to box-press these cigars is not simply aesthetic; it's a nod to the intricate processes that ensure a consistent draw and an even burn, characteristics valued by aficionados and casual smokers alike.

Flavor Profile

The Undercrown Shady XX delivers a robust cascade of flavors. Smokers can anticipate a hearty fusion of chocolate and earth, complemented by emanations of leather. A peppery zest punctuates the experience, leading to a persistent finish that lingers pleasingly on the palate. These tasting notes form an intricate tapestry, catering to those who appreciate a full-bodied smoking experience.

Accessibility and Distribution

This cigar marks the third collaboration between Drew Estate and Shady Records but is the first to be produced on a more regular basis. Previously, access to this collaborative cigar was geographically limited, with availability restricted to Detroit-Eminem's home city. The Undercrown Shady XX has since expanded its reach, inviting a broader spectrum of enthusiasts to partake in this blend.

Impact on Cigar Culture

The inception of cigars like the Undercrown Shady XX reflects ongoing evolution within the realm of cigar culture. Innovation, when grounded in quality and authenticity, can significantly influence consumer preferences and the industry's trajectory. The alliance between Drew Estate and Shady Records symbolizes a progressive step and a fresh approach to tradition, capturing the imagination of connoisseurs and newcomers alike.


The Undercrown Shady XX is more than a mere product; it represents the bridging of worlds, the essence of collaboration, and the spirit of achievement against the odds. This cigar is a physical manifestation of two decades of growth, learning, and passion. Whether enjoyed as a symbol of accomplishment or simply for its rich, deep flavors, the Undercrown Shady XX stands as an intriguing chapter in the continuing story of modern cigar culture.


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