Undercrown Maduro Cigars
The Undercrown Maduro cigar series by Drew Estate stands as a testament to the craft and dedication of cigar makers. Born out of a challenge to replicate the beloved smoking experience of the Liga Privada No. 9, the Undercrown Maduro emerges as a centerpiece of tradition and innovation in the cigar industry.
History and Craftsmanship
Undercrown Maduro was conceived by the skilled rollers at Drew Estate's factory, an initiative spurred by Willy Herrera's desire for a cigar on par with his own preferences, notably the Liga Privada No. 9. While master artisans often receive acclaim, it is the collective effort of numerous unsung heroes within the factories that help bring such quality cigars to fruition.
Blend Composition
The Undercrown Maduro boasts a robust blend, featuring a dark Otapan Negro Ăltimo Corte wrapper, a rich Habano binder, and a carefully curated filler blend. This blend includes T52 stalk-cut and sun-cured tobacco from the Connecticut River Valley, Brazilian Mata Fina, and Nicaraguan Cuban seed leaves.
Geographical Origins
The tobaccos used in the Undercrown Maduro echo a story of diverse geographical origins. The Connecticut River Valley's contribution is pivotal, known for its fertile soils that produce some of the finest tobacco leaves, while the Brazilian and Nicaraguan selections introduce an international blend of robust flavors.
Manufacturing Specifics
Undercrown Maduro cigars are a product of craftsmanship, where every step from the selection of the tobacco leaves to the rolling and aging process is meticulously overseen to ensure the highest quality.
Tasting Notes
Undercrown Maduro offers a medium to medium-full strength profile, appreciated for its lush, smooth, and creamy texture along with a natural sweetness. The flavor profile is refined and balanced, catering to smokers looking for depth and nuance in their cigar experiences.
Packaging & Presentation
The cigars are available in boxes of 12 and 25, demonstrating the brands' commitment to presentation and quality. Each box assures that the cigars remain pristine, encapsulating the sensory journey even before the first draw.
Cultural Fingerprints
The Undercrown Maduro and its rise in popularity provide insight into the evolving culture of cigar smoking. It illustrates how tradition and modernity coalesce within the cigar industry, shaping preferences and experiences worldwide.