Drew Estate - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Worldwide premium cigar merchant since 1978
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Drew Estate

Drew Estate, founded by Jonathan Drew and Marvin Samel in 1998, is a renowned cigar manufacturer distinguished by its innovative approach and passion for Nicaragua. From a small kiosk in New York's World Trade Center, these pioneers have built a world-renowned company with an emphasis on original creations such as ACID cigars, infused with 140 essences, and the Natural range, which balances tradition and modernity. After a hiatus caused by Hurricane Mitch, La Vieja Habana made a triumphant return with a unique style blending Cuba and New York. The La Gran Fabrica Drew Estate factory in EstelĂ­ is an emblem of their success, with a typical day producing 94,000 handcrafted cigars in a setting vibrant with color and culture, reflecting the brand's dynamic vision and their commitment to "The Rebirth of Cigars".

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Drew Estate


Drew Estate Cigars

The journey of Drew Estate began with a bold vision and humble beginnings. It is a story that takes us to the heart of cigar craftsmanship in Nicaragua. Drew Estate was established in 1998 by Jonathan Drew and Marvin Samel, and in a relatively short period, it has made significant headway in the cigar industry.

Unlike many manufacturers with deep-rooted histories in tobacco and cigars, Drew Estate's founders embarked on their endeavor with entrepreneurial spirit and determination. Their start in a small kiosk in New York's World Trade Center laid the groundwork for what would become a globally recognized cigar manufacturer.

The La Vieja Habana Series

Initially released in 1998, La Vieja Habana marked Drew Estate's entry into the world of traditional cigars. Although the brand faced setbacks due to Hurricane Mitch, it reemerged stronger and with an eclectic blend of Cuban and New York Art Deco styles. The cigar range is known for a selection of wrappers and a commitment to affordability, making it accessible to a broad audience.

ACID by Drew Estate

ACID cigars represent a fusion of artistic expression and unconventional blending. Scott "ACID" Chester's aesthetic-a mix of industrial, urban, graffiti, and motorcycle culture-gave the brand its unique edge. ACID stands out for its innovative infusion process, where cigars are exposed to over 140 botanical oils, herbs, and essences, resulting in a distinct flavor profile that has garnered both intrigue and a dedicated following.

Natural by Drew Estate

Following the distinctiveness of ACID, Natural by Drew Estate was introduced as its complement. While retaining originality, Natural respects traditional cigar-making values. Delivering a distinct flavor and aromatic profile, Natural embraces a range of exotic tobaccos from around the world, appealing to those seeking a balance of classic and contemporary in their smoking experience.

AMBROSIA Tobacco Exxotica

In 2002, Drew Estate released the AMBROSIA Tobacco Exxotica, applying their innovative approach to infused cigars. This line features influence from various cultural backgrounds, and like other Drew Estate offerings, it's characterized by a unique blend that pushes the boundaries of conventional cigar profiles while showcasing the diverse potential of Nicaraguan tobaccos.

La Gran Fabrica Drew Estate

La Gran Fabrica Drew Estate, the remarkable factory in EstelĂ­, Nicaragua, stands as the cornerstone of the company's manufacturing prowess. The site, spreading across 100,000 square meters, distinguishes itself with a level of architectural innovation and a capacity of crafting 94,000 cigars daily. The vibey atmosphere, colorful murals, and Subculture Studio demonstrate how Drew Estate integrates art into their workspaces, reflecting their innovative ethos and commitment to creating an extraordinary product.

The Future of Drew Estate

The brand continues to evolve, testing the limits and preconceived notions of the cigar industry. As Drew Estate looks ahead, the focus remains on innovation, blending art and tradition, as well as expanding their reach in the cigar culture worldwide.


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