The CigarKings brand is a signature of authentic cigars founded in 2016 by Philipp Kugler. Established with an ardent determination for quality, each cigar is the fruit of a conscientious manufacturing process and constant innovation. This description will explore the characteristics that set CigarKings apart in the premium cigar arena.
Manufacturing process
CigarKings cigars are a symbol of traditional craftsmanship combined with modern techniques. They are handmade in Nicaragua, a cradle renowned for its wealth of top-quality tobaccos. The "Entubado" method is used, where the tobacco leaves are rolled into small tubes, allowing for more uniform combustion and optimal draw.
Each cigar is finished with a triple cap and a cross-rolled wrapper, guaranteeing not only refined aesthetics but also consistency in burn quality. Fermentation follows a sophisticated process, essential for refining the tobacco's aromatic profile.
Aromatic profile
CigarKings cigars are distinguished by a singular aromatic profile. The palette of flavors is carefully designed to satisfy both amateurs and connoisseurs. The tasting notes are balanced, combining the richness of Nicaraguan terroir with a range of taste sensations. These range from spicy touches to subtle nuances of chocolate and coffee, typical of the region's tobaccos.
Tradition and innovation
The fusion of tradition and innovation is at the heart of the CigarKings philosophy. Respecting the cultural heritage of cigars, the brand constantly seeks to improve its manufacturing techniques and tobacco selection. The result is cigars that reflect both the industry's past and its future.
Impact on cigar culture
CigarKings has contributed to the global cigar landscape through its meticulous approach and respect for quality. This commitment is reflected not only in their reception by the international cigar community, but also in the way they influence cigar-making standards around the world.