Introduction to CAD cigars
CAO cigars established a solid reputation on the American market before gradually making their way into Europe. Their origins in Nicaragua, a country renowned for the quality of its tobacco, give them unique properties in terms of taste and construction.
Manufacturing features
Each CAO cigar is hand-crafted by experienced artisans, ensuring quality rolling and uniform burning. The tobacco leaves come from plantations selected for their fertile terroir, which has a positive impact on the quality and aromatic complexity of the cigars.
Range and diversity
The CAO range is distinguished by its wide diversity, offering cigar lovers a vast choice of strengths and flavor profiles. Whether you prefer a mild or full-bodied cigar, CAO offers a range of products to suit every palate.
Typical tasting notes
Tasting notes for CAO cigars vary according to their specificity. In general, one can discern earthy flavors, hints of cocoa, leather and sometimes spicy accents, guaranteeing a rich and satisfying tasting experience.
CAO Arcana Mortal Coil
A special mention goes to the CAO Arcana Mortal Coil, a limited edition that illustrates the brand's expertise. With its impeccable construction and blend of tobaccos chosen for their character, the Mortal Coil represents a significant example of CAO's expertise.
History and heritage
The history of CAO cigars is marked by a constant desire to innovate while remaining faithful to the traditions of cigar making. The brand has capitalized on the evolution of the cigar industry to offer products that reflect both tradition and modernity.
Cultural impact
By establishing themselves firmly on the international scene, CAO cigars have contributed to the enrichment of cigar culture. They have carved out a remarkable place for themselves among connoisseurs, while attracting new enthusiasts thanks to their quality and diversity of tastes.