Casa Turrent 1880 - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Casa Turrent 1880

Casa Turrent 1880 cigars celebrate over a century of excellence in the cigar industry, inherited from the Turrent family in Mexico. Each vitola reflects ancestral know-how, with particular attention paid to the blending of high-quality tobaccos. These tobaccos are carefully aged, the wrapper leaves for a minimum of 5 years and the binders and tripe for up to 12 years, to develop an unrivalled complexity and richness of flavour. With a 55 x 6.5 format, the line offers a hearty, flavorful tasting experience, honoring both tobacco tradition and the quest for innovation. Casa Turrent 1880s, embodying a balance between cultural heritage and innovative production processes, have earned a worldwide reputation among cigar aficionados.

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Casa Turrent 1880


Introduction to Casa Turrent 1880 cigars

The Casa Turrent 1880 series pays tribute to more than a century of expertise in the cigar industry. Originating in Mexico, the brand is renowned for its use of high-quality tobaccos and for the heritage it has perpetuated since the late 19th century.

Origins and know-how

Casa Turrent 1880 cigars are rooted in Mexico's rich tobacco tradition. Each cigar is the fruit of a blend of carefully selected tobaccos, aged to intensify flavor and complexity.

Construction and design

Sturdily constructed, each vitola features a 55 x 6.5 format, a deliberate choice to enhance the full expression of the tobacco. These cigars are well known for their impeccable construction, ensuring a consistent tasting experience every time.

Flavor profile

Casa Turrent 1880 is characterized by rich, diversified tasting notes. The balance between aromatic complexity and sweetness results from cape leaves aged for at least 5 years and a blend of carefully selected sub-capes and tripe aged for 10 to 12 years.

Tradition and innovation

With a deep respect for traditional methods, the brand is constantly innovating to improve the quality of its products. Casa Turrent 1880 products combine techniques handed down from generation to generation with modern production methods.

Cultural impact

The influence of the Casa Turrent brand extends far beyond its Mexican homeland. Over the decades, Casa Turrent 1880s have gained worldwide recognition, testifying to the evolution and cultural importance of cigars for cigar enthusiasts around the world.


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