Cigares Eiroa - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Worldwide premium cigar merchant since 1978
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Stemming from a century-old family heritage, Eiroa cigars are gaining in prestige thanks to the expertise of Christian Eiroa. Made in the El Aladino tabacalera, these cigars embody a reminder of the family's long history in tobacco, best known for managing Camacho before its acquisition by Oettinger/Davidoff in 2008. Eiroa is committed to maintaining tradition while adding a personal touch with their motto "Salud, Amor y Pesetas", conveying a positive balance between health, love and well-being. Eiroa's meticulous manufacturing ensures a complex, balanced taste with notes of earth, spice and a touch of sweetness, contributing to the cultural heritage and innovation of the world's cigar culture.

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Eiroa cigars are rooted in the expertise of a family deeply rooted in the tobacco tradition for over a century. These cigars reflect the expertise and unwavering commitment of Christian Eiroa and his family to producing cigars of the highest quality.

Origin and heritage

The Eiroa family is renowned for its long-standing involvement in the cigar industry. After leading the famous Camacho brand, the family-owned El Aladino tabacalera continues to perpetuate the cigar tradition under the aegis of Christian Eiroa with the creation of the Eiroa line.

Philosophy and values

The Eiroa line is imbued with Christian Eiroa's values of "Health, Love and Well-being" ("Salud, Amor y Pesetas"). This motto is a tribute to the vision of well-being that the brand wishes to convey through its products.

Manufacturing aspects

Characterized by meticulous manufacturing methods, the Eiroa brand uses carefully selected tobacco leaves to guarantee the consistency and complexity of its cigars. This process guarantees complex, well-balanced flavor profiles.

Flavor profile

Eiroa cigars are known for their satisfying range of flavors. Aficionados can often detect distinct earthy notes, hints of spice and a sweet aftertaste, resulting in a rich, nuanced tasting experience.

Cultural impact and innovation

The Eiroa brand has established itself as both respectful of age-old traditions and innovative. It has helped shape the world's cigar culture by emphasizing quality and introducing new taste experiences to cigar enthusiasts.


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