Introduction to C.L.E. Corojo cigars
Stemming from the renowned expertise of Christian Eiroa, an iconic figure in the cigar industry, C.L.E. Corojo represents a landmark chapter in the history of Honduran tobacco. Previously at the helm of Camacho and Baccarat, Christian Eiroa initially sold these brands in 2008 before founding C.L.E. to express his renewed vision of cigar creation.
Confection and Character
Handmade with respect for Honduran traditions, C.L.E. Corojo cigars are made from native Honduran tobaccos. One of the distinctive features of this range is the use of 100% authentic corojo wrappers. Chosen for their quality, these tobaccos give rise to cigars of moderate to strong intensity, offering a rich, skilfully articulated taste experience.
Terroir and Tobacco
Honduras, the main growing ground for C.L.E. Corojo, is known for its ideal conditions for the development of the tobacco plant. The cigars take advantage of these geographical features, displaying complex flavor profiles attributed to the region's rich soils and favorable climate.
Tasting Notes
When savoring a C.L.E. Corojo, the flavors are marked by a distinct presence of nuts, sweet spices and woody notes that testify to the rich diversity of Honduran tobacco. The cigar's medium-to-full body allows aromas to evolve throughout the tasting, offering a captivating experience for the cigar lover.
Tradition and Innovation
C.L.E. Corojo cigars represent a symbiosis between fidelity to traditional cigar-making methods and the adoption of innovative approaches. Ancestral knowledge blends with modern techniques to produce a product with a characteristic richness that pays homage to cigar history.
Impact and Cultural Resonance
The C.L.E. Corojo category, built around the passion of Christian Eiroa, reframes perceptions of Honduran cigars and influences cigar culture worldwide. These cigars offer connoisseurs an opportunity to explore the nuances of terroirs previously underexplored by afficionados.