C.L.E 25th Anniversary - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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C.L.E 25th Anniversary

Christian Eiroa celebrates 25 years in the cigar industry with the creation of CLE 25th Anniversary, a premium cigar that combines tradition and innovation. Crafted with meticulous care, these cigars mark a milestone for the brand, originating in Honduras where the quality of the terroir is given pride of place. Precise rolling and the quality of the wrapper guarantee a consistent tasting experience with an even burn. The CLE 25th Anniversary offers a complex taste profile, blending spicy and earthy notes that will appeal to aficionados. This novelty consolidates the image of Honduran cigars worldwide and enriches the culture of tasting, establishing itself as a subject of choice among communities of prestigious cigar enthusiasts.

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C.L.E 25th Anniversary


Cigars C.L.E 25th Anniversary

Christian Eiroa celebrates 25 years of involvement in the cigar industry with the introduction of the CLE 25th Anniversary. This cigar is in a class of its own, thanks to Eiroa's expertise and heritage, recognized for its considerable impact on the industry.

The CLE 25th Anniversary is a milestone for the brand, representing both history and innovation in the world of premium cigars.

Origins and manufacturing

At the heart of the CLE 25th Anniversary design lies a regulated tobacco selection. The brand favors the terroir of Honduras, traditionally renowned for the quality of its tobacco leaves. Attention to tobacco cultivation and harvesting is critical to guaranteeing the consistency of each cigar.

The manufacturing process uses established techniques and new processes to produce a cigar that marks the brand's anniversary with distinction.

Distinctive features

Each CLE 25th Anniversary is characterized by its format and construction. Mastery is essential to ensure uniform combustion and a consistent tasting experience. Precise rolling reflects the brand's commitment to excellence.

The quality of the envelope, chosen for its color and texture, also contributes significantly to the overall experience.

Taste profile

The taste profile of CLE 25th Anniversary is designed to captivate the palate of cigar aficionados. It features a balance of spicy, earthy notes, punctuated by subtle nuances of sweetness derived from the complexity of Honduran tobacco.

Connoisseurs appreciate its consistency and ability to offer an evolving tasting session, revealing different aromas and intensities as you go along.

Impact and Culture

The release of the CLE 25th Anniversary represents the convergence of tradition and innovation. The brand's recognition among cigar connoisseurs continues, positively influencing the image of Honduran cigars worldwide.

The cigar's impact on tasting culture extends far beyond its geographical origins, becoming a favorite topic of conversation among communities of cigar afficionados.


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