Camacho Broadleaf - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Camacho Broadleaf

The Camacho Broadleaf range is an invitation to taste adventure, carried by the emblematic Honduran Broadleaf wrapper that lends unrivalled intensity and elegance to the cigars. Offering a rich texture and deep notes of dark chocolate, espresso and leather, Camacho Broadleaf also offers a sweet harmony of honey and spice thanks to the alliance of Honduran and Dominican Republic tobaccos. This combination creates a bouquet of flavors that will seduce aficionados in search of a culminating experience. Camacho Broadleaf follows in the cigar-making tradition while forging its own path of innovative flavors and sensations.

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Camacho Broadleaf


Introduction to Camacho Broadleaf

The Camacho Broadleaf series represents a distinctive offering in the cigar world, featuring products crafted with great attention to detail and a commitment to quality. Each cigar in this line is designed to offer the most satisfying tasting experience.

Origin and composition

Camacho Broadleaf cigars take their name from the use of Honduran Broadleaf tobacco leaves. These are renowned for their dense texture and their ability to enhance the cigar's aromatic profile. Honduras, where these leaves come from, is renowned for its ideal terroir for growing quality tobacco.

The construction of these cigars also includes a meticulous blend of tobaccos from Honduras and the Dominican Republic. This strategic alliance of tobaccos guarantees the balance and complexity of flavors that characterize the Camacho brand.

Manufacturing process

The care taken in making Camacho Broadleaf cigars is evident at every stage. From humidifying the wrapper leaf, to rolling and finishing, the craftsmen ensure that each cigar meets the highest quality standards.

Tasting notes

When it comes to tasting a Camacho Broadleaf, consumers can expect pronounced notes of dark chocolate and espresso. These core flavors are complemented by hints of leather, honey and spice, resulting in a rich, nuanced flavor profile.

Cultural impact

Camacho Broadleaf cigars are part of a rich tradition of cigar culture, while adding a modern touch through their choice of tobaccos and innovative construction. Their influence and popularity help shape current trends in the cigar market.

Tradition and innovation

At Camacho, cigar heritage is preserved while innovation is sought. Thus, the Camacho Broadleaf is both a tribute to traditional methods and an advance towards new gustatory frontiers in the art of cigar making.


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