Alec Bradley Prensado - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Alec Bradley Prensado

Alec Bradley Prensado cigars honor the Cuban cigar-making tradition with their exceptional quality and heritage. Created by the Raices Cubanas factory, these cigars adopt the "entuba-do" method, a triple wrapper at the head and box pressing. Made with a blend of Corojo de Trojes leaves from Honduras, they deliver a rich palette of tastes, from spicy woodiness to chocolate and leather. Consecrated "Cigar of the Year" in 2011 by Cigar Aficionado, Prensado have left their mark on the cigar world, uniting tradition and innovation. They represent an unmissable experience for cigar aficionados, setting a new standard of excellence in the cigar world. Alec Bradley founder Alan Rubin saw in this creation, which exceeded his expectations, a success that catapulted the brand into cigar history.

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Alec Bradley Prensado


Introduction to Alec Bradley Prensado Cigars

Alec Bradley Prensado cigars carry a rich history and a recognized reputation in the world of quality tobacco. Meticulously crafted by the Raices Cubanas factory, they pay homage to the traditions of Cuban cigar-making art.

The heritage of Raices Cubanas

Each Alec Bradley Prensado is crafted at the Raices Cubanas factory, an entity known for respecting traditional Cuban rolling methods. This process includes the "entuba-do" technique to fold back the filling, the application of a triple cape to finish the head and a special box pressing.

The Distinctive Blend

The blend for these cigars comes from Corojo leaves grown in the Trojes region of Honduras, providing a consistent, complex base. The blend is carefully selected to promote a rich, nuanced tasting experience.

International recognition

Prensado's success was sealed by its election as "Cigar of the Year" in 2011 by Cigar Aficionado, establishing its reputation and recognizing its excellence in the field worldwide.

Tasting Notes

The gustatory implications of Alec Bradley Prensado span a spectrum of flavors, from spicy, woody notes to hints of chocolate and leather, characteristic of its aromatic profile.

Tradition and Innovation

This label celebrates the fusion of traditional craftsmanship with modern touches. Prensado is a testament to Alec Bradley's ability to innovate while remaining true to a historic heritage in cigar making.

The Prensado World Impact

The rise of the Alec Bradley Prensado, catalyzed by prestigious awards, has had a significant effect on cigar culture, introducing enthusiasts to a new benchmark of excellence across the continents.


Prensado is a meeting point between past and future, between homage and innovation. It is an essential reference for connoisseurs seeking quality and authenticity in the world of cigars.


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