Zino Nicaragua - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Zino Nicaragua

Zino Nicaragua cigars invite you on a gustatory journey with their multiple blends inspired by various cultures. The brand uses tobaccos from prestigious origins, creating a profile enriched with notes of dark chocolate, cream and coffee. The wrapper is made with Ecuadorian-Connecticut tobacco, while the binder and binder leaf include Nicaraguan, Dominican Republic and Honduran leaves, ensuring impeccable combustion and harmonious taste. To explore these nuances, Zino Nicaragua Cigars Fresh comes in a convenient four-cigar pack. A synthesis of innovation and tradition, these cigars represent a skilful blend of the authenticity of the past and current trends, broadening the horizon of the cigar experience from A to Z.

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Zino Nicaragua


Zino Nicaragua Cigars

Zino Nicaragua cigars stand out in the cigar world for their combination of refined tobaccos and attractive presentation. Designed for those who appreciate a diversified taste itinerary, these cigars invite you on a journey of flavors that extends from aperitif to digestif.

Origin and inspiration

Influenced by a variety of cultures, Zino Nicaragua cigars are an invitation to explore the richness of cigar-making traditions worldwide. They draw their aromatic complexity from a blend of carefully selected leaves from several regions renowned for their exceptional terroir.

Construction and Composition

The Zino Nicaragua wrapper is from Ecuador - Connecticut, while the sub-wrapper is from Nicaragua - Semilla 56 Seco. The binders are a carefully considered blend of tobacco from the Dominican Republic and Honduras, with a notable contribution from Nicaragua - Ometepe. This meticulous structure promises harmonious tasting experiences and optimal combustion performance.

Flavor profile

These cigars present an array of taste notes attractive to the modern connoisseur. Enthusiasts will be able to detect in puffs the nuances of dark chocolate, cream and coffee, emerging from the clean, steady burn. The balance between strength and aroma creates a profile that is both indulgent and delicate.

Formats on offer

Favoring freshness and convenience, Zino Nicaragua Cigars offers something for every occasion, notably with the Zino Nicaragua Cigars Fresh containing four cigars. These assortments make it easy to discover the brand and its different expressions.

Traditions and Innovations

The cigar industry, rich in centuries-old traditions, sees Zino Nicaragua as an innovative example of adaptability and respect for heritage. While firmly rooted in tried and tested methods, the brand embraces the evolution of contemporary tastes and expectations, offering a product that is resolutely forward-looking.

History and Cultural Impact

The genesis of Zino Nicaragua and its impact on cigar culture reflect the evolution of a globalized market. The story of these cigars tells of a constant quest for quality and a celebration of diversity, contributing to a broader understanding of the tastes and textures the cigar world has to offer.


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