Vallejuelo - Cigarpassion, La Couronne S.A.
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Vallejuelo cigars skilfully blend aged tobaccos from the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua under an elegant Habano-Rosado wrapper for a refined tasting experience. Hand-crafted, these medium to strong cigars have won over connoisseurs with their balanced complexity of sweetness and flavor. Acknowledged by critics with scores of 92 and 93 from Cigar Aficionado, Vallejuelo also won the "Humidor Selection" award and the title of best cigar of 2010. Three main formats are offered: the Robusto for a short but rich tasting session, the Piramides for increased flavor intensity, and the Toro for an extended appreciation of Vallejuelo's complexity.

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Introducing Vallejuelo cigars

The Vallejuelo brand has distinguished itself in the world of cigars by the quality of its products. Originally from the Dominican Republic, Vallejuelo offers cigars made from a meticulous blend of tobaccos also from Nicaragua. The wrapper is a typical Habano-Rosado, appreciated for its finesse and subtlety.

Each of the brand's cigars is hand-crafted using traditional methods. The range is characterized by a medium to full-bodied intensity, making them accessible to a wide spectrum of aficionados.

Composition and construction

Vallejuelo favors the use of aged tobaccos, selected for their aromatic richness. The construction of the cigars is meticulous, offering regular combustion and a balanced capote. These features reflect the brand's commitment to quality craftsmanship.

Tasting profile

When tasted, Vallejuelo cigars offer a complexity of flavors with a certain sweetness that balances the strength of the cigars. The aromatic palette is rich, with woody, spicy aromas and occasional notes of leather and coffee.

Recognition and assessment

Vallejuelo has been recognized by positive evaluations, with scores of 92 and 93 awarded by Cigar Aficionado. This success is complemented by the "Humidor Selection" award and the designation of best cigar of the year 2010 by the same publication, testifying to the quality recognized by experts in the field.

Cultural impact and evolution

Vallejuelo's reputation in the cigar world is linked to the history of Dominican and Nicaraguan tobacco culture, regions renowned for their exceptional terroirs. The evolution of tastes and manufacturing techniques is reflected in their products, which embody both tradition and innovation.

Vallejuelo variations

The range includes several formats, including the Vallejuelo Medio Tiempo Robusto, Piramides, and Toro - each offering a unique experience. The Robusto, with its compact size, is perfect for those seeking a rich, short-lasting tasting experience. The Piramides, with its pointed tip, concentrates flavors intensely. The longer Toro allows you to savor the complexity of Vallejuelo over an extended period.


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