Introduction to Room 101
Launched in 2009 by Matt Booth, the Room 101 brand quickly established its reputation in the world of artisanal cigars. While the brand was the brainchild of a versatile designer and a bold start, Room 101 has distinguished itself by its innovative approach and commitment to quality.
Brand philosophy
Room 101 is distinguished by its blend of tradition and innovation, leveraging collaboration with renowned tobacco growers. This synergy has enabled Room 101 to create unique tobacco blends and offer a distinctive tasting experience.
Tobacco origins Room 101
Room 101 cigars use tobaccos from renowned regions such as Nicaragua's Jalapa Valley, Honduras and other Central American terroirs. Each region contributes to the complexity of the cigars' aromatic profile.
Manufacturing process
Room 101 cigars are manufactured using a combination of traditional techniques and meticulous quality control. Each cigar is precisely hand-rolled, guaranteeing uniform combustion and consistent quality from one cigar to the next.
Tasting profile
Room 101 cigars offer a variety of flavor profiles, oscillating between earthy notes, spicy touches and subtle sweetness. Lovers can expect variations in taste, tailored to different palates and tasting moments.
Leading brands
Room 101 presents several cigar lines, including some in collaboration with notable names such as AJ Fernandez and Robert Caldwell. These partnerships enrich the assortment with limited editions and exclusive blends.
In short, Room 101 continues to forge its identity in the cigar industry by combining creativity, expertise and a passion for tobacco. Its cigars reflect a commitment to excellence and to providing memorable tasting experiences.