Introducing Quesada cigars
The Quesada brand has established itself as a benchmark in the world of cigars, with a particular focus on the European market. Originally from the Dominican Republic, this family-run business has developed its product range in line with European taste preferences.
Brand history
Quesada cigars have their origins in a desire to adapt to European palates, initiated by a partnership with Spanish civet-keepers. This cultural exchange led to the creation of a blend that meets the specific expectations of the European consumer, attested to by a famous endorsement at the "Pro Cigar" festival.
Quesada's offers
Quesada offers two main formats: Robusto and Short Robusto. These formats are renowned for their balanced structure and concentrated aromas. Their positive reception has encouraged Quesada cigars to spread beyond Spain's borders, marking their presence in other markets such as Belgium.
Manufacturing details
The brand uses Arapiraca variety capes leaves from Brazil grown in Ecuador. The undercap comes from the Dominican Republic, while the filler is a blend of Nicaraguan, Dominican and Broadleaf Connecticut tobaccos, offering a carefully assembled complexity of flavors.
Tasting notes
Quesada cigars are distinguished by their balanced aromas, which combine the richness of Dominican soil with the variety of tobaccos used. Their profile generally features earthy notes mixed with hints of coffee and chocolate, resulting in a rounded, pleasant taste experience.
Quality and accessibility
The brand is positioned as offering excellent value for money, giving a wide range of cigar enthusiasts access to quality products from soils renowned for their fertility without financial compromise.
Cultural and traditional impact
The Quesada family has succeeded in perpetuating the tradition of cigar art while innovating in terms of taste and texture. This adaptation to specific market preferences illustrates the constant evolution of cigar culture and its growing influence around the world.